30 | One Last Fling

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I'm not sure if it's the multiple rounds of Aperol Spritz' I have consumed today but the men who work at this hotel, are stunning to look at. I also think that because the boutique hotel has been rented entirely by the wedding guests, they are overly accommodating to us all.

Lounging by the pool in a private cabana, I lay face down next to Robyn, both of us getting our massages finished up by extremely attractive, tan and muscular Italian men. Haz and Robyn, weirdly enough have given each other one hall pass before they get married. This means, they each get to fuck one person before they elope.

I would never let Tom fuck some other random women the week we were about to get married, but hey, each to their own.

Covered in aromatherapy oil and sufficiently rubbed down by these men, they tell us in their thick accents that our session is done.

Of course, Robyn and I are pretty much naked except for the little disposable underwear they give you which is made of a black cloth like mesh. May I just say, Robyn has great tits; expensive and fake, but great. She got them augmented in Turkey along with her teeth in which she had veneers done. I will also say, both operations look extremely natural. I'm not sure what Robyn's chest or mouth looked like before any of these, but she looks great now,

"How about a happy ending hm?" She joked, although she was very much open to fucking this masseuse by the flirty eyes she was giving him. I simply slid my bikini back on, gave her a cheeky nod and left the two of them in the cabana. Whether they have sex or not, is none of my business.

Although I hope she tells me all about it if she does. She got given a fucking hall pass from Haz, I hope she uses it on someone ridiculously sexy like him.

The sun sets really early along the Amalfi Coast, it's only 4:30 in the afternoon and the sun is going down. Diving into the pool again, I came up to the surface and leant on the edge, looking out to one of the most stunning views I had ever seen in my life.

A serene, still peacefulness in this very moment. That was until the boys drunkenly came down screaming and ready to go out on their official bucks night; although I feel like this might would stretch into a considerable bender.

"Where are you lot off to huh?" Robyn said coming out of the massage cabana with her hair in tact and back in her bikini; obviously have not had sex.

"Positanooooo!" Haz chimed, throwing his arm up in the air as the rest of the boys all cheered.

"We're thinking of going to La Buca Di Bacco to start and then just see where the night takes us," Robyn's brother in law Nathaniel grinned, a beer in each hand.

"Well you all look hot regardless," one of the girls squealed. Whether it was Chai, Lillie or Sharlize, I have no idea - I wasn't really paying attention as I had my eyes transfixed on Tom.

He was wearing a pair of pants which were tailored perfectly for his body and held up with a belt costing more than a fucking iPhone. He paired them with a subtle floral short sleeve button up which was tucked into the pants and the buttons were of course undone half way down his torso with his sunglasses folded and hanging from the centre. He was wearing a fine metal chain around his neck and a few accompanying rings to top it off.

Very hot. Very Italian.

"Are you guys taking the boat?" Robyn asked, making sure she knew they were going to be just a little bit responsible tonight. We all knew they would wreak havoc and cause drama but hey, it's a bucks night.

"Yes sir," Haz said saluting his fiancée with his hand to his forehead and laughing at himself.

"Be safe!" I called out as they left, Tom blowing me a kiss and winking as they walked past the pool and down to the private boat docks. Robyn was sitting at the end of the pool with her legs in the water as I swam over to her.

"You worried about him fucking some random girl in a bar bathroom tonight?" I asked, resting my head on her knees and chuckling.

"The hall pass? Nah it's an agreement between us," she shrugged.

"What made you guys even think of this anyway? I would never want to know Tom had sex with someone right before our wedding," I groaned.

"I think it symbolises our last goodbye to our old lives before we commit to each other. I was the one who suggested it anyway," she said pushing my wet hair out of my face and looking down at me.

"You fuck the masseuse?" I laughed, standing up straight.

"No I just teased, I want to keep my options open for the next few days and see who would be the best last fuck before marriage," she laughed, watching the pool attendant walk past.

He too was very attractive.

I don't know how Robyn and Haz are okay with having sex with other people. It baffles me.

"Can I ask you something kind of personal?" I said pushing myself up and out of the pool and sitting on the wall with her.

"Of course girl, anything," she smiled.

"How come you never made the choice to join the Mafia? I mean, Haz is basically the same rank as Tom, he could have been the Godfather if Dominic wasn't Tom's dad... But you haven't done the initiation after like six years dating Haz," I asked cocking my head to the side.

"I never really felt like I needed to you know? I'm happy with Harrison, I'm happy with our life together and I don't really feel the need to join... I guess I never really thought I had what it takes. You have to have this super high tolerance to witnessing and performing violence, and then be analytical and strategic and level headed... And the initiation involves killing someone and I could never even imagine myself doing that," she said shaking her head.

I nodded in agreement, understanding every little thing she said.

"Why did you join?" She asked.

"Because I love Tom... Mostly because I love Tom and then partly because I thought I could be valuable. I know a lot about the crime industry and I have good connections. And after I killed Sofia I realised that taking someone's life didn't really affect me if they really deserved it. I didn't feel anything after I did it," I shrugged.

"Look, I hate hearing about what Harrison does at work and the violent things he does, but I'll fucking cheers to that. Goodbye you fucking psycho bitch, glad you're gone Sofia!" She said raising her drink up before sculling the rest of it.

I love Robyn, she truly is the fucking best.

𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara