𝟎𝟎𝟓: 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐤𝐢

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Going up the stairs of the apartment, you wave at Hina telling her goodnight and she returns the gesture. You open the door to your suite with Mikey behind you. Taking off your shoes before closing the door, "What do you want to do?" You ask him.

"Got any DVDs?"

You both walk in, he takes a seat on the couch and you go into the kitchen. You walked to the couch, your arms full of snacks. You lay them on the coffee table in front of him. Crouching down to look at the DVD selection under your TV, you pick out three movies of different genres. You stood up and showed him. The blonde chuckles a bit, "How old are you? These are all from the 80s."

"All of these are whatever my mom left. Unless you wanna watch Doraemon," you say, hoping he wouldn't take the offer of watching a children's cartoon. Mikey pokes at one of the DVDs, "Let's watch that one." You turn the case over and it was a rom-com. You thought he'd pick the action movie. You shrug and put the two other DVDs away before inserting the disc into the player. You grab the remote and take a seat at the end of the couch, far from Mikey.

Clicking on the buttons of the remote to play the movie you hear patting noises and turn to the blonde. He was patting the area beside him, "You should come closer, I don't bite," he smiles.

You don't bite, but you sure can punch a guy to the point of bleeding, you joke to yourself thinking of the vision you saw first.

As you looked at him longer, you saw another vision:

He was on the rooftop of a building, his hair slicked back with the same dragon tattoo Draken has on his neck.

You shut your eyes. As you opened them again, Mikey was still patting, faster this time. You scootch a little closer but he was still patting, so you went to the area he was patting. When you did, he looked satisfied.

You were a little surprised by how he was acting. He seems so cold, even frightening or intimidating in the visions you saw. The movie was starting, interrupting your thought. You went to grab a canned drink while he grabbed one of the wrapped packages of taiyaki.

Seems like he really liked that fish-shaped snack, maybe he only wanted to come over for that...


"That would never happen in real life," You comment, watching the movie. You take a sip of your drink and notice how quiet Mikey has been, you've watched more than half of the movie and he's been quiet, there's no way he's interested-

He's sleeping.

You can't even blame him, the movie so far was pretty generic. You don't know if you should wake him up or not. You look at him, his eyes shut and relaxed, some strands of hair on his face. Leaning in to move it away, you get a closer look at him. He was actually kind of handsome.

What if I kissed him?

You quickly turn away from him after that intrusive thought. You couldn't just kiss him, he was sleeping. Not to mention, you just met. That would be stupid to do, it's not like you actually have feelings for him or anything.

Since he was sleeping, you got up to go to your room to change into comfier clothes. You also bring your blanket. Going back to the couch, you put the blanket over the sleeping boy. Unknowingly, you smiled at him. Sitting back beside him, you grab a taiyaki and look at it.

"I can't believe you let a boy you just met stay over," you say in a high-pitched voice, moving the snack as if it was talking.

"I know! But he's kinda cute, so I'll let it slide," you reply to the fish, jokingly. You giggle to yourself realizing you're talking to a red bean-filled snack. You bite into it and lay back.

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