𝟎𝟗𝟎: 𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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It's been a week since the Three Deities battle.

Since he woke up, your friends have been visiting you and Takemichi separately. You assumed Takemichi must've given the same excuse as you did.

Which was that you were giving each other space to recollect yourselves individually after what happened in the battle.

Chifuyu kept his word, giving you space to yourself. Though, he has called a few times since then. You thought it was sweet of him to still check up on you. Even if he's not physically here.

You haven't heard from anyone in Brahman. Which was a little surprising for you, kind of expecting a call or visit from any of them.

You assumed that Senju must be upset about the aftermath. As much as, if not more than, you and Takemichi were.

During this, you've been trying to figure out everything in your head; What your goals are. Your feelings for Mikey right now. What the next step for you is. And what your foresight even means.

You still hadn't wrapped your head around that vision of South. If that could even be considered a 'vision'. You haven't even figured out who the female silhouette was in Draken's vision a while ago. As well as the long, dark-haired boy who was supposed to be beside you on Tanabata.

You thought about what Takemichi said before about seeing people you can't recognize. That maybe it was those who've already passed.

You close your eyes, trying to remember the vision you saw in Draken's mind, the day he was supposed to die. As well as the boy in your dream.

You take a while. Remembering each play-by-play of that vision.

You open your eyes. Emma?! Who else would Draken think about...? Especially during the moments before his death...

Then... The dark-haired boy I saw... You try to recall your dream again. Specifically the way he spoke.

Was Baji?! You think about what that boy said in your dream. The sentence being similar to what Chifuyu's told you about Baji before.

I guess it makes sense to see Emma's silhouette in Draken's head... But Baji? I didn't even get to meet the guy. How can I vividly see him in a dream?

You couldn't tell what that connection could even be or mean. You might've seen Baji in passing, during the August 3rd Incident. But other than visions, you've never seen him face to face.

Emma... Baji... Who's next, Izana? You wondered.

If you did start to see Izana in your dreams or visions, there'd be only one connection those three have.

Playing a role in Mikey's dark impulses.

You realized when you saw that vision of Kazutora getting beaten by Mikey. That Baji's death must've triggered his it. Emma's death as well, which Izana took part in.

But why am I getting visions of people connected to Mikey? You continue to think.

Is it 'cause I'm always thinking of him? Or is it something else?

And that 'vision' of South... As far as you've known, you were only able to see the future. Whether that was 5 minutes, 2 weeks, 7 years or whenever you chose. But what you saw of South wasn't his future.

It didn't play like a regular vision. You could walk, feel and hear everything. As if you were really there. Like you've somehow travelled into South's memories.

But why...? How was that even triggered? And why him?

You wondered if you unlocked some ability in your foresight. Or if you were beaten up so badly that you started to hallucinate and imagine South's upbringing. Either way, it didn't make sense why you saw that 'vision' in the first place.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐝 - s. ᴍᴀɴᴊɪʀᴏWhere stories live. Discover now