𝟎𝟐𝟎: 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬

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You immediately knew who was banging on your door. Takemichi, the time-leaper, has done it enough times for you to recognize his pattern. The actual 14-year-old Takemichi barely talks to you.

"Welcome back to two-thousand-" You stop your sentence after noticing Chifuyu was with him.

You give an awkward laugh, "Sorry, I was... referencing a movie I watched..." You say to Chifuyu specifically. Takemichi asks if they can come in and you shift your body, making room for them to walk in.

You offer for them to sit on the couch. Chifuyu insists on standing while you and Takemichi sit. "I told Chifuyu everything that happened," Takemichi confesses and you furrow your brow, wondering what he meant.

"That I'm from the future... and... the timeline I just got back from."

"Please tell me you laughed at him," you say, looking at Chifuyu. Takemichi makes an ack sound, "Is this really the time?"

"It did sound a little ridiculous, not gonna lie," Chifuyu admits, covering his mouth, concealing his laugh. "But the more he continued, the more it made sense."

You turned to face Takemichi, "What happened in the new timeline?" You asked. Takemichi frowned, he told you he became Toman's upper echelon. Hina and Akkun still died and Chifuyu died in this timeline. Kisaki in the future admitted he planned Bloody Halloween. Takemichi also met with Kazutora right after and filled him in on Mikey. Saying Mikey became corrupt because of Kisaki's manipulation and Black Dragon's money.

"I wasn't there this time?" You interrupt, curious.

"Like the last timeline, you distanced yourself from me and Toman. But Naoto said you became blind," he answers.

"Blind?!" You exclaim your shock, "Did he say why?"

Takemichi nods, hesitating a little before he spoke. "He said you became obsessed with trying to find Mikey." Chifuyu looked extremely confused, "How could that result in blindness?"

It even made you think about it. But you remembered what had happened when you tried to look 12 years into Naoto's photo. How your eyes began to bleed. Takemichi agreed with Chifuyu, not understanding the correlation and how that would happen.

"Kazutora's alive?" Takemichi nods slowly, confused why you'd ask.

You take out your phone, pulling up the photo you had of Kazutora.

"Why do you-"

You shush Chifuyu, trying to concentrate on the image.

Kazutora began beating people up in an alleyway. Guys were on the floor, groaning or unconscious. He punches someone in the gut and lifts them by the collar.

"Spit it out, where is he hiding?!" Kazutora spits in the man's face.

"If I tell you and you let me live..." The man slowly says, his voice strained, "I'd be killed... Worse than anything you can do."

As you blinked, you covered your eyes immediately, dropping your phone. You can feel the liquid pouring out.

"Are you okay?!" The two boys shout in concern, getting closer to you. You release your hands, dark red residue remaining around your eyes and hands.

Takemichi's eyes widened, "Why are you-"

"Kazutora is looking for someone..." You say quietly, "I think he might be referring to Mikey." You pick your phone up, aching to know why until it dawned on you. You closed your phone immediately. I probably shouldn't abuse this power, you say in your head. You weren't sure when in the future you became blind but now that you know, you wanted to prevent it. Even if you were curious as to where future Mikey's whereabouts were.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐝 - s. ᴍᴀɴᴊɪʀᴏWhere stories live. Discover now