𝟎𝟒𝟓: "𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝" 𝐁𝐲𝐞

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You knew the boys started their time capsule earlier than yours but you expected them to hang out a little longer after it's been buried. The tall boy slows down on his bike, driving slowly next to Yuzuha.

Hakkai wipes sweat off his forehead, "Phew! Thank god you found [Y/N], I wouldn't have been able to talk to her," the tall boy says to his older sister.

"Why not?" You question the last part of his sentence. Suddenly his face turned blank, almost strained and he stared straight ahead. "Why are you looking for her then?" Yuzuha asks curiously. Hakkai turned to his sister and his tense expression faded. "Mikey asked us. She wasn't answering her door, so Mikey assumed she was kidnapped again."

"Again?!" Yuzuha repeats in confusion, turning to you. You chuckle, "It's a long story..."

You turn to Hakkai, "When did Mikey come by my place?" Hakkai looked forward again, wearing the same blank but tense expression from earlier. Yuzuha turns back to you, "Don't worry, he's not ignoring you," she tells you, "He just sucks at talking to girls other than me."

You never expected that from someone as tough as he is. Also from someone close to Mitsuya, who's very sociable. You wondered if he was shy or... a different reason.

"I should probably go back home then," You say, causing both girl and front of you to turn their attention to you. "I wouldn't want those guys to search all across Japan in case I was kidnapped..."

"Hakkai, call Mitsuya to pick her up at our place. I know you wouldn't be able to give her a ride," Yuzuha tells her brother, tapping him on the arm.


Yuzuha and Hina waited outside of the Shiba household for Mitsuya to show up. While all three of you waited, you told Yuzuha about your first kidnapping. Hina chimed in the conversation, sharing how scared and worried she was for you. "You should start learning how to fight," Yuzuha advises after you finished your story, "You never know if you'll be targeted again."

"I've been wondering if I should," you confess, "But I haven't found the time to actually go through with it."

You've only been focusing your attention on the future. On Mikey. How you can prevent him from becoming another Izana in the future? You still couldn't find it in you to accept that Mikey views Izana as a brother. You admitted that you're not in the place to say he shouldn't, but you still disagree that he should. Even after losing Emma and Izana provoking him in every way, Mikey humanized him. And soon, he might immortalize his image by taking his signature hairstyle and earring.

You wondered if you should confront Mikey about it. It's been days since you last talked, maybe he's calmed down.

"Yo!" Mitsuya greets, pulling up to the house. He waves and Yuzuha and Hina too. You say your goodbyes to the two girls before getting on Mitsuya's impulse. He, too, says his goodbyes before driving off. "Glad to see you're safe," he tells you. You wondered if he drives slow because he had a passenger behind him or if this was his usual pace. Or maybe he is driving fast and because you were used to the way Mikey drove, this was slow to you.

"Thanks," you reply, "How's your head by the way? I heard what the Haitanis did to you."

"Never been better!" He reassures, "You're gonna have to strangle me to death if you want to take me out!" Though he said it like it was a joke, it wasn't all that funny. Seeing that Mikey strangled him to death in the last timeline.

You give him a pitying laugh, not wanting to be completely silent after he said something unknowingly morbid.

"How are you and Mikey? I heard you two briefly talking on the phone," Mitsuya continues to converse with you. "Uh... We're fine?" You say, "That's the first time we've talked since the funeral."

Mitsuya was surprised to hear that. "I thought he'd be all over you during times like this," he says. He stops at a red light and turns back to you, "He's pretty in love with you, y'know? Has a photo of you in the inner pocket of his jacket and everything," Mitsuya smiles.

The silver-haired boy drove as soon as the light turned green. Your face warmed up upon hearing that. You never even know there was an inner pocket in the jacket. And you were wearing it before Mikey went back home.

Both you and Mitsuya arrive at the front of your apartment and you immediately notice Babu. Mikey's CB250T. You thank Mitsuya for giving you a ride and he waves his hands up and down, replying that it was the least he could do.

"I know he's a handful sometimes, but he's got heart," Mitsuya says. "Take care of him!"

"I will," you smile. The two of you say your goodbyes before he drives off, assumingly going home. You walk up the stairs of your apartment. As you reached your floor, Mikey was leaning on the wall, right next to your suite.

The blonde notices you walking up to him. "Hey! Where've you been?" He asks.

"Making my own time capsule with the girls," you tell him and Mikey laughs. "I didn't think you were that petty," he points out.

"Don't underestimate me!" You walk to your door and unlock it, you leave it open for Mikey to walk in. You take your shoes off and notice he stayed outside of the door. "Not coming in?" You ask. Usually, Mikey invites himself in, but he didn't enter at all.

"I... Just wanted to talk to you briefly," he says. You couldn't help but feel this was important. You stayed quiet, waiting for what he had to say.

Mikey notices your attention has focused on him. "Gramps and I are going on a vacation," he says quickly, "Uh, Okinawa, I'm sure is what he said. Something related to family."

"Oh," you replied. You never saw this coming at all. "For how long?"

"A week, maybe," Mikey says. With how quick his speech was, it was almost suspicious. Unconvincing even. But why would Mikey lie to you about family?

You smile at the boy. "Hope you two enjoy the vacation. I'll miss you," you tell him. You notice Mikey's eyes shifting. With the growing silence, it started to get awkward. You wondered if he was stalling about something.

Finally, Mikey looks back at you, "The garage, at my place. It'll be open. I didn't bring it with me, but I left something for you," he informs you. "At the back of the house, there's a small hole I'm sure you can fit in. So, you don't have to deal with the gate."

"Oh, thank you," you respond. "How was your time capsule by the way?" You asked. You didn't want him to leave so soon. It felt too long since the last time you saw each other.

"It was cool. I'm not telling you what I buried though!" Mikey says, almost childishly. You were glad the mood somewhat lightened up. You chuckle, "I guess I'll find out in the next 12 years."

"I mean... If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine," he suggests, smirking. You lightly punch him in the shoulder, "No way! You're gonna have to wait and find out for yourself!"

Mikey chuckles. He turns his body, "Well... Goodbye then," he said.

You were caught off guard by his wording. He usually greets you with a 'see you' or other variants. As Mikey starts to walk away, you stepped foot out of your suite. "I... I love you!" You raised your voice, making sure he heard you.

Mikey turns back and smiles. The same sad smile you've seen him wear before.

"I love you too... [Y/N]."

Chapter forty-five, end.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐝 - s. ᴍᴀɴᴊɪʀᴏWhere stories live. Discover now