𝟎𝟔𝟕: 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐆𝐲𝐦

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It was 4:15PM. You made it to the third floor of Wakasa and Benkei's gym. The Gojo gym.

"Someone's early," Wakasa comments flatly.

There was a square ring in the middle, the ones seen in boxing matches. On the right side of the room were five sets of punching bags hanging from the top of the ceiling. There was a corner with mats set out for stretching and other exercises. And the shelves around were filled with equipment. Mostly weights, gloves and body guards.

You were surprised to see it was only Wakasa and Benkei around. You were expecting Senju to be warming up or students of theirs working out. "I walked," you told the man, "I expected the walk to be longer, honestly..." Unlike Wakasa, Benkei reacted greatly to your answer.

"You walked from Shibuya?!" The large man's voice boomed. You wondered how the two met and even how they got along. It seemed like they were almost polar opposites to each other. "Should I... Come back then or?" You ask, pointing at the exit.

The two Brahman members look at each other for a moment then look back at you. "Take your shoes off. Come up here," Wakasa tells you as if it was an order. He tilts his head to the side briefly, gesturing to come up on the ring in the middle of the room.

"Pass me the forearm guard." Benkei tosses a padded guard at Wakasa and he catches it. You get in the ring shortly after. The floor was firm. Soft enough to be comfortable but hard enough to keep you balanced.

Wakasa puts the forearm guard on. "I heard from Senju that you fight similarly to Mikey. Do you have a teacher?" He asks. As you were face to face with the man, you were surprised at how short he was. That aside, you answered him. "I had a teacher..." You said honestly, "Mr. Sano."

"Grandpa Mansaku? Not surprised," Wakasa says monotonously, "For how long now?"

"A year and a couple of months,' you responded. "He's become way more frail now though..." Your tone saddened, feeling guilty. "For some months now, I've just been watching old tapes he's left behind," you admit.

Wakasa looks at you blankly, "Why didn't you just find another dojo?" He asks. His expression and voice were seemingly disinterested. You told him you couldn't afford the classes. Which was half true. You didn't at the time, but with Kanto Manji Gang's apology money, you probably could

Wakasa adjusts the forearm guard and raises his arm close to his head. "Since you've been trained by Sano Mansaku, show me a roundhouse," he says, patting the padded guard.

Is he testing me or something?! You say to yourself nervously. Taking your fists out, you shift your right leg back. As you're in a proper stance, you take a deep breath. You twist your body slightly to the left, lifting your right leg up, bending it. You extend your leg and swing it at a 45-degree angle, aiming at the guard on Wakasa's arm. As you kicked the guard, Wakasa's arm stayed in place. You pull your leg back down and back to a starting stance.

You weren't sure what Wakasa was thinking or what his motives were. His bored expression almost makes you feel like he's unimpressed, though it seems like that's just how his face looks when rested. "Show me an axe kick," he tells you, "Aiming for the middle."

You were starting to feel like this really was a test. A test to see if you're a worthy opponent to Senju or a test on how skilled you really were. Either way, you felt slightly pressured. Even almost regretting coming to the gym early.

You raise your leg, extending it all the way up. Your foot, higher than her head. You drop your leg straight down. Wakasa shifts his arm above him as your heel hits the forearm guard.


You go back to your fighting stance. Shifting your right leg back slightly, you lift it, swinging it to the left then dropping your foot down.

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