𝟎𝟓𝟕: 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭

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"This is your number 2?"

"It was," the white-haired man responds.

"'It'?" You scoff, "How cruel." You bend out and take the gun from Sanzu's hand. "You've changed," Mikey tells you. His eyes were pitch black.

Kazutora was right to believe saving Mikey was hopeless, you thought. There's not an ounce of light left in him. There's no way I could've saved him... If I wanted to...

"That's funny, coming from you," you replied. You cock the gun in your hands and raise it at him, "You're a pathetic man. You were right to believe you were unworthy of me."

Mikey stands up and takes a gun out of his pocket. Pointing it at you as well. "And you're a stupid woman," he insults back. "It took you over a decade to realize that? Maybe you aren't as smart as I thought you were."

You glare at the man, "I'm certainly not," you admit. "You know, you didn't drive me away like you feared you would. You drove me fucking insane."

You slowly walk closer to him, "Every day I wake up and you were my first thought... Morning, noon and nights, I thought about you. It's sickening to think that I was in love with you," you tell him viscously.


"I fucking hate your guts," your voice booms through the empty room. You feel your eyes shake and your vision blur. You wanted to cry. You couldn't tell if the tears, slowly growing, were out of frustration or something else.

"Such cold words," Mikey ways, his voice calmer than yours. "The question is, do you mean them?" Your eyes widened at his comment, "You don't believe me?" You ask furiously.

"Not one bit," he said blankly.

You grit your teeth, "You sound hopeful. Did you expect me to show up and beg you to stop and stay with me?"

"No," he shakes his head slightly, "But I wouldn't mind watching you beg."

You were baffled at his response. "I hope you're disappointed because I won't be," you replied quickly. "I came here to kill you and end Bonten," you declared confidently. You take a few steps closer to Mikey.

"Kill me? Are you sure?" He says snidely, "'Cause right now, you're doing an awful lot of talking. You had plenty of opportunity to pull the trigger yet, you didn't."

"Did you want your death to be as quick as Sanzu's?" You raise your voice and point the gun more aggressively. "I think I prefer to give you a slow and painful one like you deserve."

Mikey starts to laugh under his breath. You weren't expecting any emotion to come out of him at all. But that fact the first thing he does is laugh almost terrified you. But you kept your ground. "I thought you wanted to 'save me' like you swore you would?" He asks, giving you an eery grin.

Your hands start to shake, "Looks like killing you might be the only way."

"Maybe you're right," Mikey lowers his gun and walks closer to you. "I deserve to die, don't I?" As he approaches, you instinctively take a step back. Mikey grabs your hand and shoves it right at his chest. "Well?" He tilts his head, "Let's stop beating around the bush. End this."

"Please, end my agony."

Mikey's smile flashes in your memory. I have him right where I need him... But why...

In a fit of frustration, you trip Mikey by the feet. As he willingly loses balance, you take your free hand and push him down harder. The two of you were now on the floor. You raise yourself up, sitting on his abdomen, as you point the gun at him. Pressing the metal harshly at his forehead.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐝 - s. ᴍᴀɴᴊɪʀᴏWhere stories live. Discover now