Chapter 46

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The month was almost over. Hadrian had three days to awaken for the first part of the tournament, or he would be disqualified and potentially lose his magic. Marvolo spent his time with his death eaters, planning the next year, while the Slytherins did their best to survive the assault of the Gryffindors without their leader. Ash's attempts to coax Hadrian into waking became more vicious, and closer to making the young boy feel guilty and that whatever happened to the world would be on him. It did little to help.

"Shut up Ash! I'm not the one who decides where the world will go in the future! You can't guilt trip me into waking!" Hadrian shouted.

"So you'd rather lose your magic forever, and spend the rest of your life as a Muggle?" Ash snapped.

"You don't know that will happen Ash. It's only a possibility!"

"Of course it will happen you idiotic hairless monkey!" And with that, Ash left.

"Hairless monkey? Where did that come from?" Hadrian asked in bewilderment.

"Heehee. Master is a monkey." The little Draka giggled. Hadrian glared, and left the bedroom to go to the pool.


"Maybe I should go." Hadrian whispered to Draka as he relaxed in the hot tub.

"Master, I'm only a figment of your imagination, but I'm sure the real me would really miss you. I did raise you." She replied. Hadrian nodded, a whistful expression in his eyes.

"You did raise me. You know, I have the resurrection stone at my disposal. Perhaps I should meet my mother? " Hadrian suddenly thought.

"That would mean waking up." Draka replied.

"Yes, I know, but I really would like to meet her. And I still have to kill Dumbledore! I swore that I would, and I keep my promises. Well, most of them." By now, Hadrian was out of the water with a towel wrapped around his waist, pacing. "I have so many things I need to do Draka! Why did I not think of this before!"

"Master, calm do-"

"I need to get out of here." Hadrian muttered. He closed his eyes, and focused his magic into doing just that.


"That's it. It's the end of the month." Marvolo whispered as he heard the clock start counting to 12, signaling midnight. Just as he stood up though, he felt a stirring in the air. A dark and powerful magic was brewing, slowly building up around Hadrian.

At the first toll of the clock, the magic formed around his head, pushing past barriers and shredding spells.

At the second toll of the clock, Marvolo rushed to his side, feeding the young boy his own magic to aid in the process.

At the third toll of the clock, Ash appeared in Hadrian's soul to break the bonds keeping him in his sleep.

At the fourth toll of the clock, Hadrian started to disappear from his mind, leaving behind a happy snake.

At the fifth toll of the clock, Draka entered the room, placing herself next to Hadrian to offer support.

At the sixth toll of the clock, Hadrian Salazar Riddle awoke.

At the seventh toll of the clock, he stood on shaking legs and had his father apparate him to Hogwarts, Draka around his shoulders.

At the eighth toll of the clock, Ash healed his body and magic in preparation for the tournament.

At the ninth toll of the clock, Dumbledore's smile of accomplishment was replaced with fury as Hadrian showed up at the Quidditch Pitch.

At the tenth toll of the clock, Hadrian stepped into the tent, wand at the ready to face his challenge.

At the eleventh toll of the clock, Death himself appeared beside Hadrian, a hand on the young boy's shoulder.

At the twelfth toll of the clock, all hell broke loose.


"What a surprise! It turns out that there will still be a fourth champion after all, as he faces off against the mighty Hungarian Horntail!" The announcer shouted. The Slytherins cheered, shooting colors into the sky and making a raucous. Then, the dragon was brought in.

Hadrian smirked, not even moving as he laughed at Dumbledore's stupidity. He had believed that Hadrian wouldn't wake up, so he made the first task something that would be challenging for all but him

"~Calm yourself, mighty serpent. I wish not to harm you.~" Hadrian said, slowly approaching the mighty being.

"~A speaker?!~" The dragon exclaimed, stopping it's movements.

"~One of the eggs in your nest is fake, and I need to retrieve it. I will not harm your hatchlings. I understand their importance to you.~" Hadrian replied. The dragon nodded, and backed away from the nest. He grabbed the egg slowly, keeping a clear radius from the real eggs, and walked back and let the dragon handlers take it away.

Hadrian turned to face the judges. 7, 3, 8, and 10, the 3 being from Dumbledore and the 10 being from his father's death eater.

Ignoring the scores, he instead walked back to the tent and to his father and Ash, Draka still resting on him.

"It is so nice to have you back Hadrian." Marvolo said, pulling him into a hug.

"~Don't you ever do that again hatchling.~" Draka hissed, tightening around his shoulders.

Stepping away from his father, Hadrian turned to Ash. The white haired man was frowning, disappointment in his eyes.

"I expected more from you, boy." He snapped, and disappeared. Hadrian's chest constricted, a lump forming in his throat.



"Everything is fine now, Hadrian. You can go back to Hogwarts if you wish."

"Alright. Thank you, father, for not giving up on me." Hadrian replied, smiling up at the wizard.

"Stay safe, Hadrian." Marvolo said in farewell, and apparated away, leaving Hadrian in the great hall with Draco and Draka.

"It's so good to have you back Hadrian! The Slytherins were lost without you." Draco happily exclaimed as they walked down the hallways and to the common room.

"I'm glad to be back. Are there any matters that need taking care of right now?" Hadrian asked.

"Only the Gryffindors. They've been walking around the castle like they own the place." Draco sneered. Hadrian nodded in understanding.

"They will be taken care of." With that, they entered the common room, and Hadrian made a beeline towards his room as the students cheered at his arrival.

Closing the door behind him, he let the magic of the wards wash over him, relaxing in it's potency.

He sat down on the couch and pulled the resurrection stone out of his pocket, having retrieved it awhile ago.

He turned it in his hand, thinking, and finally looked up.

"Hello mom."


Hope you guys liked this chapter! I'm gonna try and make a habit of updating on Sundays and working on the chapter the other days of the week. Also, happy Spring Break!

Amber Silverwood

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