Chapter 37

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I wouldn't put it past Dumbledore to try something like that. Stay alert, and make sure that Ash is with you at all times.


Hadrian sighed, putting the letter down and rereading the vague message. Ash was gone now, so he wouldn't be able to follow that order. But why would he want Ash by him anyways? It's not like Dumbledore will actually succeed at somehow making him a puppet.


"Hadrian, look! Sirius Black has been cleared of all charges!" Draco exclaimed as he walked into the Great Hall. Hadrian took the paper as he at down, skimming over the page.

Apparently his father had done good work with the trial of Black. He had gone to the trial himself and asked questions to Black who was under Veritaserum. Then, pandemonium. Everyone started questioning the minister, and Black was quickly released and given 250,000 galleons in repentance, which was a very big loss to the ministry.

Black was still not very happy, but was grateful to Marvolo for getting him his freedom and had decided to stay at Riddle Manor.

Setting the paper down, Hadrian started eating breakfast, undisturbed by the news. The Gryffindor table was the loudest, yelling about the 'horrible' news of Black's freedom.

"Hadrian, what will you be doing over the summer?" Pansy asked, leaning in.

"I will be with my father." He said, being vague.

"You should come over to my manor at sometime." Draco butted in.

"I have things I need to do. I don't have time for playing around." Hadrian replied, looking up at the blonde. Draco sighed, nodding his head in defeat. He knew better than to argue with Hadrian.

This brought to mind, however, the fact that there was only a few days of school left. Then he would be back with his father, safe. So would Dumbledore execute his plans next year?


The ride on the train was more boring than ever. Draka was sleeping the whole time, Draco wouldn't stop talking, and the other Slytherins were either playing annoying games of exploding snap or yelling at the top of their lungs how cool they were.

Sighing, Hadrian opened a book and tried to tune out the ruckus.

I wonder what would happen if I cursed them all right now. I could use a silencing charm and just watch as they all writhe in pain. Hadrian thought, his fingers twitching for his wand. He shook his head though, throwing that thought out. But it crept back up, knawing at the back of his mind. His head twitched to the side noticeably, causing Draco to look at him strangely.

"Hadrian? You alright?" He asked.

"Fine." Kill him.

"You sure? You're looking rather pale." Draco continued.

"I'm fine." Hadrian growled. Kill him. It'll be easy.

"If you say so." Draco sighed. Hadrian fingered his wand which was now out of it's holster, the yew smooth against his hand. The elder wand was now in his left hand as well, ready to serve it's master.

Kill him. Now. Hadrian started raising the yew wand, his magic gathering. He stopped suddenly though, eyes widening. Why would he kill Draco? The boy wasn't a threat, and killing him would make things much harder politically. Why would he even think of killing him? Hadrian slowly put his wand down, just as the train came to a stop at the station.

"See you guys in September!" The girls waved as they walked off the train. Hadrian and Draco followed behind, looking around for their parents. Draco spotted his dad first, the platinum blond hair standing out like a light at night. Hadrian went with Draco and greeted the elder Malfoy, bowing in respect.

"Lucius. A pleasure." Hadrian said.

"As always, Lord Peverell." Lucius nodded back. Marvolo suddenly appeared behind Hadrian, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Hello Hadrian, Lucius, Draco." He nodded, a ghost of a smile on his lips.

"Lord Riddle." Lucius replied, bowing. Marvolo smirked.

"Hadrian, we must be going. Until next time." He said, and apparated the both of them out.


Hadrian let out a sigh of relief as he landed on the ground of Riddle Manor. The urge to kill had been so strong, he worried that he might have. Marvolo glanced at him from his side, before stepping into the manor with Hadrian close behind.

"There will be a Death Eater meeting tonight. I'd like for you to attend." Marvolo started as they walked up the stairs to the rooms. Hadrian raised an eyebrow in question.

"Oh really?"

"Yes. You will not have a mask, but you will wear the robes that I give you." Marvolo stated.

"Good." Hadrian nodded.

"Be in the ballroom at seven. No more than two minutes late."


So sorry this took so long! I've been working on a Pirates of the Caribbean fanfic, as well as a Bleach fanfic, and the end of the trimester was coming up, so I barely had any time at all to write! But guess what guys. I just went up for ranking for karate, and I got my next belt! Yay! Anyways, hope you guys liked the chapter! Thanks!

Amber Silverwood

Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Harry Potter Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن