Chapter 47

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"Hello Mom."

"Hello Hadrian." The woman said, smiling. Hadrian bit his tongue, forcing down the burning sensation in his throat that always brought along tears.

"Father misses you." Hadrian bit out.

"Yes, I imagine Marvolo would. I am deeply sorry, though, Hadrian. I never got to see you grow up, and instead condemned you to misery with the Muggles." She sadly stated, snapping at the word 'Muggles'. Hadrian shook his head slowly.

"No, if I had not been raised there, I would not be who I am today. Though, it certainly would have been easier to deal with my abilities if you were here." Hadrian laughed quietly. Xerthea smiled.

"I'm sure Marvolo told you of what I usually was?" She asked with a smirk.

"Ya, foxy lady." Hadrian snorted. Though, his mom was rather beautiful. Her long and straight black hair was feathered, giving her a wild look, and her green eyes seemed to glow. She had soft features which Hadrian did not inherit, and was only a few inches shorter than Marvolo.

"And you? I would presume that you have already discovered all of your forms?" She asked.

"Yes. My main form is rather strange though. I used to not be able to transform into it, but now that I have almost mastered all of my forms, I can. Would you like to see?" Hadrian stated. She nodded. Hadrian closed his eyes, focusing on the strange creature he could become. He hadn't transformed into it in months, so it was difficult.

He then felt the familiar pull in his gut, and let the transformation take place.

"Wow." Xerthea gasped, amazed at the beauty of his form. His white cloak seemed to be a part of him, and his tail swished behind him flamboyantly. Suddenly though, he felt a disturbance outside. He took out the elder wand, grasping it loosely.

"I'm sorry Mother. I guess our time is up." Hadrian said sadly.

"I'm glad I was able to meet my son. You have grown into a fine man, and I'm sure you will do amazing things Hadrian." She replied. Hadrian watched as she faded away, before turning his attention to the door.

Feeling around with his magic, he discovered that it was Theo Nott who was being a pest outside his door.

Smirking, he let his tail flick around and stroked his wand, ready to freak out the kid. Changing back to his human form, he merged with the shadows and appeared begind the boy, wand out and ready.

"And what do you think you're doing Nott?" He questioned. The boy twirled around quickly, his own wand out as well.

"What have you been up to Riddle? I know who you are, and sure I'm following the Dark Lord, but that does not mean I'm following you. So why are you rallying the Slytherins together?" He questioned. Hadrian smirked.

"I'm back for only a day, and already I have those who would question my authority. I'll tell you this Nott. Don't get in my way. I'm not the Dark Lord's son for no reason." He sneered, and left to the shadows.

He appeared in his room yet again, and held the wand above him as he lay down on his bed. He stroked the wand, enjoying the feel of it's power after not being able to for a month. He suddenly felt a shift in the room.

"~I'm sick of this!~" Ash shouted in Parseltongue, stalking towards him. Hadrian shot a confused look towards him. "~I'm sick of this power you have over me! This need I feel in my gut, everytime you call upon my power. I refuse to bow to you, for I am the master! Now bow to me!~" Ash yelled, and trapped Hadrian on the bed, leaning over him with his hands by the young teen's head. Hadrian stared up at him in shock, paralyzed by the fear of what was to come.

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