Chapter 35

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PLEASE SEE As I have no intentions of ever discontinuing this story, after more chapters (maybe up to 50) I will create another book that will be a sequel to this. It will pick up where I left off and this one will be completed. That won't be happening any time soon though!


"Minister, something has been brought to my attention that is very concerning." Hadrian started.

He had gotten a meeting with Fudge as soon as he could, preparing on how to get the thestrals free.

"How can I help you, Mr. Riddle?" Fudge asked.

"I am sure you know of the thestrals?" Fudge nodded here. "Well, they have been enslaved by Dumbledore." Hadrian said bluntly.

"Mr. Riddle, I must inform you that thestrals are dark creatures and are being used for good at your school. Although I did not know of this, I-"

"Are you able to see them, Minister Fudge?" Hadrian interrupted.

"N-no, Mr. Riddle, I am not."

"So you have not seen Death before. A shame. Thestrals are marvelous creatures. And I can assure you that they are being unfairly treated." Hadrian stated. Fudge sighed.

"I do not think that-"

"Would you like being enslaved because of what you were born as? I have interacted with the thestrals, and they are very gentle beings. Very considerate creatures. I believe that if you were able to see them, you would think differently about them." Hadrian finished. Fudge started sweating.

"Look now, Mr. Riddle, I can not simply retract a-"

"Yes you can. You are minister. Everyone looks up to you. If you were to state that Hogwarts is no longer able to use thestrals as servants, the populace would agree. Period." Hadrian said, again cutting Fudge off. It was rather fun seeing him sweat like this.

"I will do what I can, but I make no-"

"Promises. Promises are fickle things. They can be broken, and often are. That is why I want a vow. An Unbreakable Vow." Hadrian said calmly.

"Now Mr. Riddle, I will not be taking orders from a-"

"Lucius agrees with me." Hadrian said quietly. That shut Fudge up.

"Lucius does?" He asked. Hadrian nodded.

"Yes. I am very good friends with his son Draco, and have often talked to Lucius about the laws around Hogwarts. He agrees with me on a lot of things. In fact, why don't we bring him in now?" Hadrian suggested.

"Yes, yes, let's do that. Susan? Would you fire call Lucius and tell him to come here?" He said. A woman walked in and nodded, stepping out to do that.

Two minutes later, Lucius walked in and sat down next to Hadrian, looking warily at him. Apparently Lucius couldn't get over the fact that Hadrian was Voldemort's son.

"Thank you for coming Lucius. I was just talking to Mr. Riddle here about the thestrals at Hogwarts. He claims that you agree with him that they are being unfairly treated." Fudge said with confidence. Lucius looked hesitantly at Hadrian, who was almost glaring at him to obey.

"Yes, Cornelius, I do. I was going to be speaking with you about that soon, as well." Lucius replied.

"Well, with both of you saying that, I guess I will have to talk to Albus about the thestrals. I can guarentee you, Mr. Riddle, that the thestrals will be free by the end of the week." Fudge sighed.

"Thank you very much for your time Minister, as well as you Lucius. I appreciate it very much that you are willing to do this for me, as well as the students. Have a nice day." Hadrian said as he stood up, and after Fudge also said goodbye, he walked out of the room with Lucius and turned the corner to exit the building. Before they came across anyone, however, Hadrian pulled Lucius aside and into a dark corner, covering both of then with the shadows.

"If the thestrals aren't free by next week, I guarentee that you will become well acquainted with the Riddle Manor dungeons." Hadrian hissed. Lucius looked wide eyed at him, nodding. Hadrian took a step back into the light and smiled as if nothing had happened. "Thank you very much for your time, Lucius. I will see you later."

Lucius nodded and walked the opposite direction that Hadrian was going, obviously trying to get away. When he was gone, Hadrian pulled back in his magic and brushed away imaginary dust, before turning and apparating on the spot.


"Hadrian, where have you been?! You missed the Slytherin vs. Gryffindor game!" Draco exclaimed as Hadrian walked into the common room.

"I was taking care of some business. Besides, I already know that Slytherin won. The Gryffindors don't stand a chance against us." Hadrian smirked.

That sent Draco into a rambling about how the Gryffindors were good for nothing imbeciles that weren't worth the nonexistent dust on his shoe. Hadrian walked off and left him to talk to himself.

"Ash?" Hadrian called out as he entered his room.

"What." Ash growled.

"Geez, I didn't even say anything." Hadrian replied.

"You leave at 5 in the morning, knowing that I hate getting up early. You don't even leave a note, and instead make it seem as if you broke up with me. Explain please?" The man snapped. Hadrian sighed in annoyance.

"I left early so that you wouldn't bother me while I was speaking with Fudge. I didn't leave a note because I can take care of myself and no one can even kill me. And what do you mean, break up? We were never together to begin with." Hadrian replied as he took off his cloak. Ash whined, coming up behind Hadrian as he held his chest.

"But Haaadriaaan. Don't you love meee?"

"No." Hadrian deadpanned. Ash fell on the bed, faking death.

"You've killed me." Ash whispered, not moving. Hadrian continued removing his garments, placing his rings on the the bedside table as well.

"You're Death. You can't die." Hadrian muttered. Ash stayed silent, mulling over that fact.

"I guess you're right." He finally said, and moved over a bit to let Hadrian one the bed. They lay next to each other, silent for awhile as Hadrian tried to fall asleep.

"I'm done with the thestral form." Hadrian said in the darkness.

"Mm." Ash hummed.

"I'll start with the leopard tomorrow."

"Tomorrow's Monday. You have school."

"I'll do it after and skip dinner. Zolton will bring me food."



"Goodnight, Little Snake."


The time was coming. He could feel it. With third year having only two weeks left, he would be back home and safe. But then he would come back. Then he would be closer to it. And it would devour him from the inside out, killing the ones he loved and rendering himself disabled. Who would win? Who would be king?


Another chapter done! This one was shorter, but now the thestrals are free and Hadrian has mastered his form. Leopard next! Thanks!

Amber Silverwood

Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now