Chapter 49

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Anticipation swelled in all corners of reality. The dead anticipated the decision of Death, while the living simply anticipated the end of the Triwizard Tournament.

They could feel it though. The living could sense the power that was rising in the air. They did not know what it was, but it still put them on edge.

The crowd waited with baited breath as the hour mark passed. Only one flare had gone up, and Ms. Delacour had been retrieved, but the other contestants were still racing for the cup.

Just as they started to relax, the sudden appearance of a large group startled them into silence. The scream of one of the onlookers broke the calm, releasing the dam of chaos stored in the crowd.

Hadrian grinned as he watched them run. They were like mice - all trying to fit into the one hole in the wall that could save them and only ending up making things worse.

He pulled out the elder and yew wands, grasping them lightly and relaxing in the sense of familiarity.

"Tom. Hadrian. What brings you here?" Dumbledore asked, stepping up to face the group of dark wizards.

"My death eaters have grown impatient. Suffice to say, so have I. Your supposed 'light side' has been destroying the wizarding world, and will kill us all. You must be stopped." Marvolo replied firmly.

"You seem to think that I'm the bad guy here Tom. Why don't we talk this over a cup of tea, hm?" Dumbledore stated, taking out his own wand.

"A cup of tea indeed." Marvolo muttered snarkly, and shot off the first spell.

Hadrian ran to the other side of the makeshift ring, turning into his Nargle form when no one was watching. He flew up and into the crowd, swerving in between the people like one would in an obstacle course.

Using his fly-like sight, he spotted Draco in a corner and flew to his side, landing on the blonde's shoulder.

He nugded the boy to move into a secluded area with Legilimency, and held on as Draco was pushed and shoved by the terrified wizards.

When they were alone, Hadrian shifted back and turned to the surprised boy.

"Hadrian?! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the maze?" Draco asked.

"I was, but complications arose. Draco, the war starts now, and I need you on our side." Hadrian growled. Draco nodded firmly, and followed after him.


"Come on Dumbledore! Is your age catching up to you? Or is it just the madness of your own plans?" Marvolo shouted over the howling wind and destructive spells.

"You're the only mad one here Tom! I only wish that I had been able to prevent that while you were at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore replied, robes billowing in the wind.

Marvolo gritted his teeth, trying to think out a plan. Hadrian was taking too long, and Dumbledore was starting to crack his shields. Any longer than ten minutes more and the playing field would be leveled for Dumbledore.

He spun out of the way of another deadly curse, barely managing to stay calm. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Death standing silently, staring at the fight. His surreal eyes seemed to glow in the moonlight, only adding to the eeriness of his being.

The look on his face, however, was what really scared him. Guilt and determinedness were the only emotions available to his mortal eyes, but it was enough to set him on edge.

Someone was going to die tonight, and it most likely wasn't going to be a light wizard.


Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now