Chapter 32

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"Crucio!" Callan yelled, earning gasps from the crowd. Hadrian tilted his head to the side, dodging it without even moving from his spot. He stayed where he was and didn't lift his wand, opting to subtly move to dodge the curses thrown at him.

After awhile, Hadrian started moving. One step forward, and then another, Hadrian looked like a cat stalking it's prey. He was looking up through his eyelashes, a slight smirk painted on his face.

"Incendio! Reducto! Expulso!" Callan kept firing off spells, and Hadrian kept moving forward. Callan started to look nervous, sweat dripping down his face and his confident grin replaced with one of worry. A plan formed in Hadrian's mind, one of trickery and mind games.

He blended with the shadows, seemingly disappearing to the onlookers, and went behind Callan.

"Is this all that the seventh year's have?" Hadrian said, his voice echoing around the silent room. Callan turned around, firing off a spell, but not hitting anything. "Is this all that the best of Slytherin can do? Salazar Slytherin would be ashamed." Hadrian continued in his calm and quiet voice.

"Where are you?! Face me!" Callan yelled.

"I am facing you. Can't you see me?" Hadrian placed the image of a devilish looking creature into the visual cortex of Callan's mind, making it seem as if he was the only one who could see it. Callan screamed, yelling curses at thin air, trying to hit his opponent. Hadrian materialized right behind Callan, whispering in his ear.

"Can't you see me?" He said. The boy screamed more, scrambling away and falling down in his haste. Hadrian slowly stalked towards him. "Poor. Little. Callan." He said on each step. "Can't beat a simple third year." Hadrian whispered, a pitiful look on his face.

"G-get away from me!" Callan yelled, raising his wand.

"Try it." Hadrian said as the boy opened his mouth to say a curse.

"A-Avada Kedavra!" He screamed. Hadrian watched as the bright green light flew towards him, and waited patiently as it sped past his ear.

"Are you ready?" Hadrian suddenly asked. Callan looked confused. "Crucio." Hadrian muttered.

Callan screamed, tearing at his body and writhing on the floor. Someone ran forward, holding Callan as he experienced the curse.

"Step away girl." Hadrian said. The girl, Delane he remembered, looked towards him with tears in her eyes.

"Please, stop it!"

"Step away." He repeated.

"No, please, I'll do anything, just stop!" She screamed.

"I said, step away." Hadrian growled, finished with giving her chances.

"Please, just stop!"

Hadrian stopped the curse and looked the girl in the eye.

"Sectumpsempra." He muttered. The girl's stomach was cut open, blood flowing out quickly. Nobody moved.

"The winner... Hadrian Riddle." Vincent said. Hadrian stopped the girl's bleeding and turned to the crowd that had gathered.

"You will find that you are unable to speak, write and in any form communicate with people of authority about this. Of course, your peers will be able to. As heir of three of Hogwarts's founders, her magic holds you to this law. Goodnight." Hadrian said, and walked away to the Slytherin dorms.


The next day, everyone knew about what had transpired. Callan and Delane were in the hospital wing, but none of the teachers knew what had happened. Hadrian was happy.

Draco was also out of the hospital wing, finally recovered from the Cruciatus Curse. Strangely enough, instead of shrinking in fear whenever he saw Hadrian, Draco would lower his eyes and bow his head, recognizing Hadrian as more powerful.

The other students noticed Draco's change in attitude and tried to talk to him about it, but all he would say was that he learned a very important lesson. Many were confused, however some understood instantly. Blaise was one of them.

"Why did you curse Draco?" Blaise asked him when they were alone.

"What do you mean?" Hadrian replied innocently. Blaise stared at him. Hadrian sighed. "He needed to be put in his place. Malfoys are born to bow, not lead." He said nonchalantly. Blaise gaped at him.

"Lucius Malfoy is one of the most influential politicians the wizarding world has ever seen! And you want to say he isn't a leader?!" Blaise exclaimed.

"Lucius is a puppet to the Dark Lord. Lucius simply carries out his master's orders." Hadrian replied. Blaise went quiet. "Anyone not in power will always be forced to bow. They may try to rise in the ranks, but they will always be lesser to the Master. And the Master knows that. Perhaps, Blaise, you should think about that. But you are a smart boy, and I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough." Hadrian finished, starting to walk away. Blaise suddenly gasped, his eyes wide as he stared at Hadrian's back.

"You're the Dark Lord's-" Blaise suddenly stopped. Hadrian turned his head slightly and threw a smirk at the boy, pleased with him. Apparently there were some intelligent people in this generation.



I have found that many people are willing to follow without question, even the smart ones. I had dueled a seventh year, the top of his class, and immediately earned the respect of the whole school. The professors know nothing.

Callan Rowen was his name, and he seemed dependent on the Unforgivables. He had a sister named Delane who I put in place.

Draco has recognized me as sovereign, though he didn't put up much of a fight, which I find disappointing. Blaise Zabini also managed to figure out who I was to you, and has bowed to me already, just like Draco. Theo Nott and many of the girls have followed their lead.

On a seperate note, I have found my seven animals, though not my main one as of yet. A snow leopard, arctic wolf, Black Mamba, Nargle (a very small thing that is a cross between a fly and a scorpion), thestral, crow, and dementor are my forms. Death seems particularly pleased with my final form, yet Salazar and Tylin are most happy with the Mamba.





Congratulations on your victory. I am sure that many have learned who is the better. The Rowens are purebloods, who tend to interbreed with their sisters and brothers. I find the thought rather repulsive, as marrying a cousin is much more profitable. Incest in siblings tends to bring about squibs.

It is good that you have gained many followers. The Malfoys are a good source of political power, as well as the Zabinis. It will do the Death Eaters well that their heirs are following my own.

It is rather strange that you have those particular animals. I don't recall Xerthea having any of them. Perhaps Death or Salazar could give you more information.



Yay! Chapter 32 is done! I hope you all liked it, and next chapter will have Hadrian's main animal. KEEP VOTING!!!!!! Thanks!

Amber Silverwood

Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Harry Potter FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz