Chapter 2 ~wedding guests

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"I'm going to shave your whole head if you don't stay still " maryam said as she tried to make rahama's hair they've been at it for almost 20 minutes maryam was getting frustrated

" you wouldn't dare " rahama said narrowing her eyes at her cousin she was helping her get ready for the wedding they were going to

" ow!" rahama screamed maryam released the girl " okay fine I swear to god I'm not touching your hair again ! Maryam said walking into the closet to put her dress on

Rahama pouted and looked at herself in the mirror she stared at her big brown eyes her hair was almost done but the pain was too much to bear she just doesn't like it when someone touches her hair

" your hands are made up of iron you're not human " rahama shouted for her to hear glaring at the closet

"Whatever!" Maryam shouted back

The door opened and aunty zeezee stepped in Maryam's mother

" are you guys still fighting why wouldn't you just get ready and come down we're all waiting downstairs "zainab said her hands on her hips she sighed and left the room

Rahama did her make up and tied her scarf on ,she sprayed some perfume and looked at herself one last time in the mirror she took her purse and headed downstairs

As rahama descended down the stairs she heard the loud noises coming from the parlor near the kitchen the house was full , as she entered the parlor she saw her aunt farida, mami and aunt zeezee , On the same Couch her mother was laughing so hard as Aunty Faridaa made faces rahama was sure she was mimicking some of her cousins or aunties , on other side of the room her cousins zainab, walida,rahina.and asmau were seated on the carpet talking about something they were all so engrossed in their conversations they didn't notice her standing behind asmau who was telling the story

"Ke ! "She slapped asmau's hand

"Ow !what was that for? "asmau said rubbing her arm

" you were talking so much " rahama said rolling her eyes

Asmau glared at her as she continued telling her story

"Let's go everyone " Aunty zainab Said everyone stood up and headed towards the door they all got inside  cars ,

When they arrived at the event they all gave their iv's to the bouncers at the entrance , the located their seats and they all sat on one table


Music played as everyone ate their food ,
"The food is amazing !! Maryam said taking one more bite of her  chicken she was right the food was really good rahama thought

" hey rahma that grooms friend over there has been stealing glances at you since we sat on this  table" maryam said wiggling her eyebrows as she wiped  her mouth with a tissue

"Really ?I didn't notice where ?which one is it ?"rahma said looking at the table across from them where the groomsmen sat she couldn't see

"That one with the beard " said maryam

Rahama rolled  her eyes almost all of them had beards so how will she know which one maryam  was being dramatic there was no one looking at her she ignored her for the rest of their time at the wedding  ,the bride and groom danced together with family and friends rahma sat with her aunties while all her other cousins were on the dance floor dancing she suddenly felt the urge to pee but she doesn't know if there's a bathroom around here or not so  she stood up to go and look for the toilet ,she informed her mom and headed out of the hall  ,she asked the security guards and they showed  her the toilet to her pleasure ,she finished her bussiness and headed out towards the hall on her way there she felt as if someone was following her she turned around and surely there was someone following her

" can I help you ? " rahma said  irritated she didn't like being followed

" uhm my boss sent me here to ask for your number " the boy said shyly

" my number ?rahma repeated, the audacity of some people she thought then an idea came to her

" tell your boss he should come and collect it himself" she said smiling at the young man she knew he couldn't as long as he saw her sitting with her mom and aunts all this arewa men are cowards they'll never do that in front of parent or adults

the man nodded and walked away  hurriedly, she smiled and went back inside , hopefully her cousins are done dancing and then hopefully they'll leave soon she's tired of the wedding already ,her ears hurt

As soon as she went inside she grabbed a mock tail and made her way to the table unfortunately her cousins were still dancing she sighed
This is going to be a long night she thought

Rahama sat at the table with her aunties it was getting boring she never danced and she's not much of a "wedding " person she sighed again for the hundredth time oh no she thought she had an assignment that was due Monday and she hasn't even started yet she wanted to get an A on this course as she aced all her courses last semester she did promise her father she'll make him proud she remembered the shock on his face the day she showed  him her first semester result he was so happy he gave her a car the following week she was making him proud rahma smiled at the thought she then remembered she had a lot of messages on her phone that she needed to reply she wasn't good at this social media thing she even forgot to take a picture and post "naaah who cares" she said out loud
It's not like she has a social life or anything she has like 200 followers on ig and her cousins have like a thousand plus she didn't really care as long as she had her Netflix and her books she was good happy in fact  , a tiny hand shaking her hand interrupted her thought,it was a little boy dressed in his little blue kaftan he looks around 7 or 8

" hi little guy ,ya kake " she said holding his hand he looked so adorable he has the cutest smile

" my uncle said i should tell you that you're really pretty and he'll give me his phone " he said in his little sweet voice

"What's your name ?" Rahama asked the little boy smiling

"Ahmad " the little boy said

"Where's your uncle show him to me an I'll give you my phone" she said hoping the little boy will do as she asked

"Okay " he replied

The little boy turned around to show her as he pointed towards the grooms friends dressed in blue rahama follwed his little finger she couldn't see that far she was shortsighted and she didn't bring her glasses she squinted her eyes trying to see the man she knew he was dark skinned or so she thought

"Now give me your phone " the boy said bringing out his hand
She downloaded a game on her phone and gave it to him she picked him up as they played the game and laughed ignoring everyone and everything around them after a while ahmad left to go to his mother

The dinner ended and everyone went home ,as soon as rahama got home she went to bed after praying isha she was so tired she felt weak because that morning she did so much work as there were guests in the house she drifted off to sleep dreaming of candy crush and books lot of them

Bilal sat in his car waiting for his mom and sister to come out of the hall it was getting late Baba will not be happy with him he promised they'll be home by 9 and it's almost 10:30 his mind drifted off to the young girl he saw earlier ohh how beautiful she was he thought she looked so calm and she didn't even dance almost every girl in the hall danced but she didn't want to and she also looked bored he kept looking at her and she didn't even notice him normally when you stare at someone for too long they can feel it ,he even sent his nephew Ahmad to tell her that she was beautiful and maybe she'll look towards where he was sitting but no luck
He kept think about her and her big eyes and the way she squinted her eyes when she looked towards the dance floor or the way she bit her lips every time she looked at her phone was she maybe waiting for a text or a call ? Does she have a boyfriend ? and if yess are they getting married he kept wondering and creating different scenarios in his head he was attracted to her interesting

Xoxo 😘 please comment

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