Chapter 18 ~ end marriage

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Rahama waited for Bilal in the living room downstairs he has been gone for five house it was almost midnight and she was feeling sleepy she sighed and stood up to go downstairs she locked the door fork inside and went to her room to sleep

There were so many questions in her mind ,where was he going ? Why was he so angry , why was he not back yet , was it the girl nasiba or was it truly about work there was just so many questions in her head


Rahama woke up with a start someone was banging something she rubbed her eyes sleepily she heard the sound again and that was when she realized someone was knocking


She got up from the bed yanking the covers away she opened the door and made her way downstairs, he kept on knocking she hurriedly opened the doors with keys and opened the door her eyes met his he loooked tired and sleepy she made way for him and he got inside she locked the door and watched him as he sat on the couch

" I'm so tired , I had a long night " he groaned as he rubbed his eyes

Rahama glanced at the wall clock it was 12:31 She slept for just 40 minutes but it felt like 3 hours

Rahama just stared at him she didn't know what to say , she didn't want to bombard him with questions besides he said he'll explain everything

" baby can you get me some water" he asked putting his legs on the couch to lie down comfortably , rahama nodded and went to the kitchen after a few second she came back with a bottle of water and a glass cup she poured him the water and gave it to him

She sat beside him and watched him gulp down the water

Rahama was used to him calling her baby the first time he called her she told him to call her rahama but he ignored her and did what he liked

She looked up and their eyes met there was something in his ,sadness , pity ,Love ? Or ... his emotions were showing his face was in a small frown  but he was smiling too what was going on in his mind ?

" I ended my sister's marriage today" he mumbled

Rahama 's eyes widened

" what ? " she asked in horror

" I ended aysha's marriage today I brought her back home and now I'm feeling a little guilty at the same time I feel like I did the right thing you know but then I separated ahmad from his dad " he said I one breath

Rahama stared at him her mouth slightly opened

" what happened?"  She asked

He explained everything to her including Ahmad's illness and she listened attentively

When he finished there were tears in his eyes but he blinked them away men shed tears ? Rahama wondered he must be very soft she thought

" I'm so sorry I didn't know aysha was in so much pain and little ahmad it pains me that a child his age who's suppose to be playing and having fun is stuck at home and in the hospital Rahama said to him her heart clenched for the little boy he's a sweet child

Rahama stared at Bilal as he stared at his hands his face was in a frown

Before she stopped herself Rahama squeezed his hands with hers he was suprised by her gesture because he looked up immediately his eyes meeting hers

Bilal leaned closer to her their eyes still locked and then he kissed her her , it was a small peck and then he kissed her again this time it wasn't a peck , rahama reflexively kissed him back , he cupped her cheeks and moved closer he angled his face to the right to kiss her more and then something clicked in rahama's head what was she doing ? She should stop ! But it felt so good her feet were numb and wobbly and she felt something rush through her body , her body was on fire  a small moan escaped his lips and then rahama broke the kiss pushing him back a little with her hands on his chest she looked into his eyes their gaze lingered for a few seconds before she rushed back upstairs

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