Chapter 22~ unfortunate

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2 weeks later

Samira watched her sister as she cried her eyes  out  it was unfortunate really that her brother inlaw out to be bad guy after all but samira couldn't help but think that there's another part to this story it just doesn't add up

"Come on stop crying now ,it's been two weeks please listen to the poor guy for , he wants to explain everything " samira said as she rubbed her back gently

Rahama continued to cry in the pillow

Samira felt her phone ring beside her she read the name and got up to leave the room

" hello " she answered checking to see if rahama could hear her ,she moved toward the kids room and sat on the bed

" I can hear you " she said


Rahama stared at the ceiling blankly as she sobbed she had stopped crying now but she was still sobbing

She didn't know it'll hurt her like this she didn't understand why she felt like this it was overwhelming for her

This feelings were new to her ,she has never experienced this kind of feelings before

He was the first and probably the last guy she'll ever love

Yess she loved him she realized that
a while ago she was going to reply when ever he expressed himself but not she can only keep it to her self

She wiped her tears angrily and sat on the bed she wouldn't cry anymore enough was enough she got off the bed and made her way to the bathroom

After she left her house she headed to her sisters house because she knew her father will tell her to go back and she didn't know how to share with her father and mother about what he did,  it was disturbing

She made ablution and got out form the bathroom ,she wiped her face with a towel and watched her self in the bathroom mirror ,she was looking pale and her eyes were puffy and red she frowned and got out of the bathroom

She opened the drawer where the hijabs were she brought out the hijab and began to pray

She was going to report bilal to the almighty


Bilal finished praying and sat on the prayer mat as he prayed " ya allah ease my pain , ya allah bring me back what I've lost , ya allah show me the way , ya allah I've committed a grave sin unknowingly,ya allah forgive me ya ar-rahman,ya ar-rahim forgive me ya allah "

He continued to pray for 20 minutes he poured out his heart to Allah after he was done he felt like a weight was lifted off his chest

He folded the prayer mat and and sat on his office chair

He was currently in the office , he opene his flask and drank the coffe inside ,he opens one of the drawers in his desk and brought out the files he was suppose to work on

He was half way through the files when a beep form his phone distracted him

He unlocked his phone and read the message

She's ready to talk

Bilal was immediately on his feet his heart began to leap in his chest he closed the files and took his blazer off the chair and ran out of his office

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