Chapter 23 ~Trust

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Rahama sat in her sisters room as she thought about the conversation she had with Bilal earlier his words echoed in her head

Trust me please

Should she ? Should she trust this man again if she chose to trust him it can either ruin her life  or not and if she chose not to it can ruin her life or not once again she was in a dilemma

She had 30 minutes and Bilal would be here to take her away

She thought about it and for the next 10 minutes and made up her mind she had come to a decision she opens her book that was infront if her should wouldn't let him ruin her studies she had one more year to finish this degree


Bilal stood on Samira 's doorstep for the second time that afternoon he looked up the sky the sun was beginning to set he rang the door bell

He stood there for a few minutes before the door opened and a girl who was samira's maid opened the door

He removed his shoes and got inside he sat on the edge of  couch nervously as he wiped his sweaty palms  on his pants

He's just coming back from work again, he prayed that she agreed if she didn't he'll be in big trouble again , he couldn't stand to be apart from her any longer , it was draining him ,it's only been 5 months since their wedding and he already messed up he couldn't afford another mess

After a few minutes he saw rahama come through the doorway ,she changed her clothes she was not wearing sweats anymore ,  she was wearing a skirt and blouse atamfa , she looked breathtaking she took his breath like always

He began to hope in his heart  did she made up her mind ?will she be coming with him ? he continued to hope as he watched her sit on the couch opposite him

After a few minutes she asked

" would you like to eat ?" Rahama asked him as she looked him up and down he was back from work she thought

Bilal swallowed he was very hungry for the last two weeks he neglected his food he didn't eat on time and sometimes he forgets because he was too busy thinking about her and ways the could convince her to come back

"Yes " he replied

" come let's go " she said as she stood up Bilal stood up with her , he followed her inside the corridor he looked down on her because of their height difference and then they took a left and there was a living room and by the left there was the dining  table filled with food and fruits ,

Bilal swallowed

He sat down  he watched as rahama began to serve him masa da miya her expression blank

His mouth began to salivate it , looked so good he waited for her to pour him the apple juice and he began to eat immediately

Rahama was surprised by his action , her face softened has he not been eating properly since she left ?  she took a look at him there were bags under his eyes  too like he hasn't been sleeping

His figure is still intact though

She sat down beside him and watched him ate ,she already ate with samira and ya mubarak ( samira's husband )

She remembered ya Mubarak's words to her

Rahama you know you're always welcome here but please give the man  a chance to explain himself and at least give him the benefit of the doubt and when he tries to do anything stupid again our doors are always opened to you

She smiled as she remembered his words

" I'm coming with you " she said

Bilal stopped eating and looked up to her he began to cough rahama's eyes widened when she realized that he was choking she poured him water and he took it in s hurry

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