Chapter 24 ~lovely surprise

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" what the hell !" Bilal said as he gaped at the scene in front of him ,he got out of the car and went to stand in front of them

" get your hands off my wife " Bilal said slowly trying to calm his nerves he was getting angry already

Rahma continued to struggle as Ahmad's grip tightens around her wrist what was wrong with this man has he lost it ?

Bilal's hands were balled in fists he was trying so hard not to punch his teeth out how dare he ?

"No I won't ,I'm going to make her mine !" Ahmad said with a psycho look in his eyes

Without waiting for another chance Bilal punched the man in his nose ,ahmad staggered back in pain and released rahma's  hands immediately

Ahmad clenched his nose as he groaned in pain

Bilal yanked rahma behind him so he could protect her

They watched Ahmad groan in pain and he muttered " you'll pay for this I promise " as he ran away with his probably broken nose

Bilal turned to rahma  her eyes wide with fear he touched the spot where Ahmad held her ,

" are you alright ?" He asked his brows furrowed in anger

Rahma nodded she was still in shock

" do you want to go home ? , or should we go to your class together? " he asked as he cupped her face in his hands they were still standing in the parking lot

Rahma nodded and gulped

Bilal held her hand and as they walked back to his car he put her in her seat and secured the seatbelt around her

And then he went back to the drivers seat and drove out of the parking lot

" do you know him ? " bilal asked as they drove out of the school

" yess his name is ahmad he's in my class " rahma  replied cutting out the part where ahmad told her that he was going to make her his before

She leaned her head on the window as the ac blasted in the car she closed her eyes

And then Ahmad's face flashed in her mind

Her fingers balled in fists , how dare he treat her a like she was some kind of toy

"He will pay for what he did " I can't arrest him yet but I'll figure out how to get him " Bilal sId as if reading rahama's mind

She smiled and held his free hand , she didn't say a word , she had also been trying hard to keep the picture of him and that girl kissing when ever she remembered she grew cold slowly she freed her hands from his

Whenever she remembered she felt pain and disgusted at the same time

" what wrong " Bilal asked her as they slowed down

"Nothing " rahma  replied still looking out the window

Bilal glance at her , her face was in a frown , he's had notice that she would sometimes go quite andthwn she'll grow a bit cold towards him was it about nasiba ? , that was it how could he not know , it was hard for her to see him in that position if he was in her shoes he would have reacted the same or even worst , he was the jealous type he could not handle seeing her with another man

It would break her , he don't know what to tell her to make her happy , he had already told her everything and he swore that it was all a plan it wasn't real , but it felt real to her

He sighed as his hands gripped the steering wheel, he looked out the window as he continued to think about how to make his wife happy he'll have to think of something


3 weeks later

Rahma sat on the couch as she munched on her pure bliss biscuit she was currently on her laptop as she went through her handouts in pdf form

She was wearing a shorts and a Bilal's shirt , the grey shirt was big on her it reached her mid thigh as Bilal was very tall and mucsular she continued to eat when she heard a familiar voice from behind her

She felt him close as he whispered something in her ear

" I have a suprise for you " he whispered

Rahma turned her head and adjusted in her seat " tell me " she said as she put a whole biscuit in her mouth

" close you eyes "

Bilal brought out the his hands that he was hiding in behind his back and brought them in front of her

" open " he said a big grin on his face showing his pearl whites as his eyes twinkled with amusement and curiosity he couldn't wait to see her reaction

Rahma slowly opened her eyes and her face was in a frown as she examined what was in his hands , she collected the papers form his hands and opened them Bilal watched her the entire Time smiling widely and then her eyes lit up

She squealed and wound her hands around his neck embracing him embracing him into a tight hug

"TICKETS !!!! to the bahamas "

Bilal laughed out laugh as he rocked them from side to side ,he was so happy she liked it , he called samira a few weeks ago and she told him it was her dream to go to the Bahamas and he swore to make it happen he wanted to cheer her up after the nasiba incident

" omg habibi , I love you " she said and gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheeks

Bilal laughed so hard " I love you too" he replied as he rubbed her back she was still holding him

" I can't believe this , our flight is next week " she said as she broke the hug and examined the papers

Bilal nodded still smiling as he watched her with an amusing and love

" I want a very big kiss in return " he said as he folded his arms in his chest he was trying hard to put a serious face on but he couldn't

Rahma umped and crushed her lips against his , bilal laughed against her lips as she cradled his lap

He should suprise her more often


Rahma couldn't sleep that night she tuned and tossed in the bed in the mist of her turning she hit Bilal by mistake

She heard him groan before he went back to sleep again like always he was holding her waist her back was against him

She sighed as she remembered her suprise it was such a lovely suprise it was on her bucket list and now she can tick it off she turned around so meh could face bilal she watched his sleeping face he looked so peaceful and beautiful yes he was beautiful she was able to see him because of the lamp they wouldn't sleep without it

She felt herself fall in love all over agin she loved him it hurt

She gave him a quick kiss on the nose and she snuggled closer to his buddy

And slowly she fell asleep dreaming of the sea and beautiful trees


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