9. Sewer Criminal

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Skylar's POV:

I watched Beans eat more school beans, why does the school give so much beans. "Do you want some?" The dirty blonde reaches her spork over the table with her other hand underneath, I shook my head hard keeping in its place with my chin on the table watching her read and eat while occasionally looking at her phone. "Are you sure? They're actually good today." She lifts the spoons a little further towards my mouth and lifted my head away, "I don't want any." I spoke covering my mouth and she looked back down at her work putting the spork in her mouth. She's been upset with me today probably because of this morning.

"Are you going to eat anything?" She asks, she's really big on food why? "I'll eat later." I tell her and she glances at me only to look back down, I mean I will eat later just because I don't eat in front of her doesn't mean I don't eat all but what does she know about me? Nothing. I continued to silently watch her movements eat, write something down, eat, write something down, eat look at her phone and it just vibrated. "Who is it? Carmen?" I guessed who texted her but by the way her face looks, it's anything but good. "No, it's my parents." She put her pen down to type with both hands. "Woah this must be serious you're typing with both hands." I joked but it didn't amuse her in the slightest, it might actually be bad.

"Yeah it is, they don't believe me when I say I didn't cheat on that test and they've been walking over me a lot while I've been walking on eggshells around them. I don't know I haven't been able to go anywhere at all, it's only at school then back home after the end of the day. I'm tired of it." She puts her phone down, almost like a slam. "I want to assume that your parents are the reason why you want to be like me." I tilt my head a little at her and she stares at me a little. "You assumed right, that's why I get my homework done at lunch so that I can do whatever I want at my house because I can't even run not after the amount of catcalling that I get just for being in my running gear." She sighs, cool I add a few men to my kill list.

"Can I meet your parents?" I ask in all seriousness, "What?" She tries to keep in her laugh, I'm funny but not at this moment. "Can I meet your parents? I leaned up spreading my arms across the top of the booth seat. "No, you can't. I barely know you and you frankly barely know me." She justifies and she's right, for now. I want to meet them, she seems to despise them and by the way, she is then it's either trying to save them from me or she's saving me from them. But I can handle parents. Maybe we can start there. The bell has eventually rang and I watched her put her stuff away while reading a message I got from Sage. DEAN BABY I'M COMING FROM YOU! I got excited and that means I gotta get my helmet.

Beans was finally done putting her stuff away after a thousand years and I walk with her to her next class. "I gotta go." I tell her as we pass the office I catch a glimpse of my helmet. "Go? Go where?" She snapped her head towards me, this is the most emotion I've ever heard in her voice since this morning. "I have to get my helmet." I was broad with my answer but I know she'll want to go deeper. Ha, that's what she said. God, what's wrong with me? "Uh okay." She stopped walking turning around and I see her teacher let kids into her classroom, she didn't ask another question. "Yeah so I'm not going to be with you for the rest of the day." I stuff my hands in my pockets walking backward, not the halls were pretty much empty now.

"For the rest of the day, where are you really going?" She looks around like she was scared that someone was going to hear her. "You really want to know where I'm going?" I ask, will this scare her? She nods making me smirk, I leaned down closer to the side of her face. "I'm going to pick up a criminal." I whispered in her ear then leaning back up, "I'll see you tomorrow Beans don't wait up for me." I winked leaving her in the hallway. I didn't see her face after I said what I was going to do but that's okay, I'll hear about it later.

I got back home parking my bike in the garage and that's when I saw Sage walkout, "You know you left your backpack here right?" He points behind him and I nod watching him throw a backpack in the back seat, "I know I didn't need it anyway." I told him immediately getting into the passenger seat waiting for him. "Excited?" He asks pulling up the hood of Mona, "Hell yeah it's been years since I've seen him, you got to see him but you never let me." I popped my head out of the window seeing him look right back at me.

"You know why I couldn't let you come with me." He said pulling the hood shut and he gets in the driver's seat, no matter how much I bugged him to let me see Dean it was always 'no' because of whatever reason, I was a little naive when I was younger but I got tougher as the years went on. "Ready?" He asks me and we clicked our seatbelts at the same time, "Yup." I smiled then he started the car filling the garage with a roar, oh I missed this sound. "Let's fucking get Dean back." He smirks pulling out of the space and he speeds out of our isolated neighborhood.

After the 3 hour drive, I saw a large white building with small square windows and guards with guns and dogs on every corner, walking in a synchronized path. "Well, this scary as fuck." I mention hearing Sage chuckle, "It's a maximum-security prison so I would hope so." We drive past the visitor parking lot and he pulls out to an empty field, we're going to be seen here. He gets out and so do I following him leaning up against the car, "Care to explain what we're doing to get him out because we're nowhere near the prison." I point out to the now smaller-looking building in the distance.

"We're right where we need to be." He simply says crossing his arms over his chest looking at a sewer drain. "It's a sewer drain." I point at it and Sage nods, "You're right it's a sewer drain, I'm so proud of you." He slow claps making my face drop, "You're such a dick." I bring my foot up to kick him but then he catches my ankle, oh fuck. "You're right I am." He tosses my leg in the air making me fall onto my ass and he erupts in laughter. "I'm going to get your ass back." I threaten standing back up dusting the dead grass off my butt, "You know you can't get me back, I'm too good." He wipes his tears, "I fucking hate you." I lean in the spoiler of the car while he's on the other end, "You know you love me and besi-" He stops talking after we heard a noise from the sewer drain.

I saw Sage pull out a gun from somewhere and I tapped around my body not feeling anything to use for self-defense, "Why do you always come with a gun and I can barely get a knife." I whine seeing his muscles pop out from how tight he's holding the pistol, "I don't know with you, I bought you a gun." He doesn't look at me but keeping his stare on the drain, "That's one gun, you have like twenty." I complain again, seriously why does he get twenty? "Now's not the time Sky, I'll get you another gun but just keep an eye on the lid of the drain okay." His voice got lower and little more raspier meaning he's actually serious. Ah look at his stupid eyebrows making his face look angry.

All the sudden I hear booming alarm sounds and red lights illuminating from the building, well shit that isn't good. "Sage you mother fucker if I get out of this drain with a gun pointing at me I'm going kick you in the nuts!" I heard Dean's voice. "DEAN!" I yelled squating down fitting two of my fingers in the holes to lift the lid, why are these things so heavy I don't understand. "Sage, plant help me." I strain trying to lift. "Really plant?" He questions putting his gun away and we both lift the drain lid, "Yes plant, sage is type of plant." I tell him and we both were able to pick it up just a little moving it out of the way, "Fuck you." He tells me, "You know you love me." I give a cheeky smile, "Hey guys." I see Dean's curtain like hair head pop out of the drain.

"DEAN!" Both Sage and I dropped the heavy for no reason lid and we reach out for each of Dean's hands and we pull him out, he's gotten taller since the last time I saw him. I sized him up seeing his orange jumpsuit, well it was orange but half of it is soaked in something black that smells nasty, "I would hug you guys but I smell like well a sewer." He smiles peeling the jumpsuit away from his body. Sage though didn't seem to mind immediately pulling Dean in for a hug, "It's good to have you back man." Aw they're bro hugging, how cute. I look away from the happy bros seeing a few dogs come right us in the distance followed by security guards. Fucking shit.

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