73. You're Here!

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Bailey's POV:

"Well I should get going it's late and I need to meet my dad at a diner somewhere before he leaves for another trip." Carmen rolls out of my bed and I quickly scramble out of the blanket that I was happily cocooned in. "No no please don't go we're not done yet there's still thirty minutes of the movie." I try to convince her to stay a little longer after my parents left with Aunt Jacky to get some things from their offices.

"I can't stay any longer, I'll come back tomorrow since you're girlfriend hasn't come back yet." She picked up her backpack and I fully got out of my bed. "Please just stay." I begin to beg but she doesn't break, "I text you later, you know I always do and unless you want to come with me then let's go." She tells me but before I could answer the doorbell rang.

"My parents can't be home yet," I whisper to her and I peek through my closed curtains seeing a black SUV sitting outside my house, that isn't my parent's car and Aunt Jacky's Jeep is out in the driveway along with Carmen's new moped. "Let's go find out who it is." Carmen runs out of my room and I run after her. "Carmen, no, Carmen!" I whisper loudly to her and I grab the back of her shirt pulling her away from the door then I stretch my arms out blocking her way.

"Just open it!" She whispers back but I shake my head, "Stranger danger." I raise my eyebrows and she rolls her eyes, "Just open it or I'll open it and I'll say some lie." She shoves me out of the way and before I could stop her the door opens wide and a man in a suit stands with his hands in his pocket. "Miss. Bailey Skeels." Both Carmen's and I's jaw drops when we recognize who it is.

The substitute, the man who saw me the night of prom in the rain, he's here. At my house. I think this counts as staking, how does he know where I live? "She's not here." Carmen blurts out but it doesn't help that I'm standing next to her in his view.

"She's right there." He points at me and she sighs, "I give up." She huffs and moves us so that I'm standing where she is. "I mean this is a little weird it's like you're tracking me." I let out a nervous laugh and I hear knuckles crack beside me. "I'm not tracking you I promise but it is important and I need you to come with me." He says and both Carmen and I look at each other.

"Why?" I ask and he clears his throat, "I don't want to do this whole 'why' thing it's important and I need you to come with me before we lose any more time. It's not safe for me to talk about it out loud. It'll be a couple of days max that I take you and you'll be back before anyone notices." He says casually which makes everything sounds terrifying. "What do you mean? My parents should be on their way already." I tell him but he stays silent then my phone goes off.

We're stuck in traffic, like really bad traffic, we have to pull over don't know how long we'll be but all roads a currently blocked so I don't know what's going to happen, don't panic. There are leftovers and you know how to cook just let us know if anything sketchy happens. Love you.

I read then I pass my phone to Carmen before looking at the man. "So did you do this?" I ask and he shakes his head, "Not me, the people I work for and the people that you'll be familiar with rather soon in fact so. Come on, it's urgent." He steps away and I step outside grabbing onto his jacket. "If it's so urgent, why can't I know and I can't just go with you. You're still practically a stranger to me." I tell him and he turns around pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You want to know me, just to trust me?" He questions and closes one of his eyes and I nod. "Fine, my name is Marco De Luis, I work for the Angello Mafia just like Skylar, Sage, and Dean. I've been working dor them since I was a young boy, it's all I know. My job isn't like the people you know, I'm a surveillance agent, I keep quiet, I watch, I keep people in line. And in this case, the people I'm supposed to keep an eye on are way out of line and I need you to come with me because right now. Skylar, Sage, and Dean's lives are on the line." He explains and my entire mind goes blank.

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