22. Small Goodnight

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*DON'T play song yet


Skylar's POV:

"So I heard your dad, you didn't eat yet?" I don't mean to be one of those people but I gotta know that she has. "I have eaten, um they don't know this but I keep a small coffee maker and those instant ramen cups in my closet uh close to where you were and I eat those when I don't want to be around my parents but I'm hungry." She digs through her stuff and shows me a coffee maker that you would find in a motel and a 99 cent ramen cup. "That's actually kinda smart." I admit it is,  especially after knowing what she goes through. I understand. But what I don't understand is how they can do this to her.

"Thank you, I'm pretty sure it's the reason why I'm not dead yet." She gives me a sad smile before turning around putting them away. I need to make her better somehow, I need her to smile, to really smile. "Anyways enough bad things, it's making me sadder um is there anything you want to talk about? Maybe more of the books I have, or we can keep asking each other questions as we did at the pool?" She walks to her bed and I follow, "Whatever you want to do, I'm just here to make sure you don't go to bed sad." I smile standing in front of her as she sits, "So I can you ask you anything?" She gains a little energy. "Yup." I take a seat beside her and she starts thinking. "Okay then, um would you read a book if I gave you one to read?" She turns towards me and crosses her legs, "Nope." I shake my head.

"Fine, if you could watch one movie for the rest of your life what would it be?" That's a good one, "Uh can it be a series of movies?" She nods, "Okay then uh then Marvel, it's all interconnected to one another. So I get a huge range of movies." I explain, "That's actually a really good answer, how about this if you could anywhere in the world where would you go?" Anywhere in the world, "I don't know, I haven't been to many places at all, I only know of a few although I know where you know where places are um, I think I'm gonna have to go with any countryside. Uh anywhere that's quiet yet with a breeze in summer where the flowers have bloomed and where the sun feels warm against my skin and I'd just lay there forever without a single worry or concern in the world." I look at her and she gazes at me.

"I love that." She fiddles with the tips of her fingers, I couldn't reply. I sat there looking at her as she looked at me, even though she goes through all of this. I see a smile on her face when I meet her, she's slowly learning to care that she could and should be defended, even if it isn't me defending her.

*Play song

She's learning to be braver. And it's honestly incredible but I know she isn't there yet we can work on a few things but this Beans that I know right now, I almost don't want to lose. She'll change, I know she will because she wants it so bad and I can learn to go with and help that Bailey. That future Bailey.

"Is everything okay? Is it something that I said?" She pulls away a little and I reach out for her hand, bold tonight are we Skylar? Brain I'm going to need you to shut up for a little. "No, no it's not you. I just got lost in thought but can I ask you something because we kinda got interrupted a little." This will make her night. "Of course." She tightens her grip, "What was the scene from pride and prejudice that isn't in the book but is in the movie?" I ask again and her face lights up, "I love that scene, I think it changed the way love works to me but it's sentimental and it's touching. It's such a peaceful and cute scene that I can't help but smile." She all of the sudden got up and let go of my hand.

I want it back. I watched her rummage around eventually coming back with her computer, "Do you have time to watch a movie with me? I don't want to keep you here if you need to go home." She waits for my answer. I said I'll be back by midnight, and I will be even if I leave her at 11:50 pm. "With you, heck yeah I have time." I chuckle and she opens the computer up as she gets comfortable on her bed. "You can lay down too you know." She pats the space beside her and I slip off my vans getting next to her, shoulder to shoulder with her computer on her thigh and mine. Right in the middle. "So this movie is a little slow and the dialogue is weird because it's from so long ago but I think you'll like it." She turns her head and our faces are close, again.

It happens so often that I can point out the shades of hazel in her eyes. "I think I will too." I say and we start the movie. She was right about it being slow, like seriously the way people walk in this is literally slow but I know she was enjoying it from when I would glance at her and catch her smiling and her small gasps as if she was watching it for the first time, then all the times she'd give me small facts just proves this is helping. "Here, here this is the scene. Here watch." She holds my chin pointing my face at the screen.

"How are you this evening, my dear?" Mr. Darcy joins his wife, Elizabeth, on a bench, "Very well... although I wish you would not call me 'my dear'." She responds, "Why?" He chuckles, "Because that's what my father always calls my mother when he's cross about something." That's interesting, "What endearments am I allowed?" He asks, "Well let me think, 'Lizzy' for every day. 'My pearl' for Sundays. And 'Goddess Devine' but only on very special occasions." That was quick, "And what should I call you when I am cross? Mrs. Darcy?" Ah, the million-dollar question. "No! No, You may only call me 'Mrs. Darcy'...When you are completely, and perfectly, and incandescently happy." Wow, "Then how are you this evening, Mrs. Darcy?" He repeats her name after kissing different parts of her face.

"So what did you think?" Beans finally lets go of my chin and I look at her as the scene changes. "I can see why you love it so much, I love it too." I smile, "I knew you would." She claps a little making me laugh. It really is a great ass scene. Well, I think beautiful is a word better to use. Just like how Beans is, beautiful. Can I call her that? Can I say that about her? Because it's the truth and I can't lie about that. I'm not catching feelings, am I? I know I can't, not when she doesn't know everything. I can't drag her into the mess I'm in not when she knows it as becoming rich and falling in love after getting kidnapped.

If I fall for her then I fall for her, I can already feel something grow whenever I'm near her and I keep going back to her, I keep being drawn towards her without knowing why but she probably doesn't feel the same, I'm just here to help her reach her goal to become like me and I can't just say 'no' now, I'm too involved. The movie ended a couple of minutes ago and Beans fell asleep towards the end but I don't think she missed anything too important. She's probably seen this a million times. "Beans?" I lift my head up a little and I feel a tug on my jacket, she's pinching the shoulder of my sleeve as she lays on her stomach still beside me taking steady breaths. She even looks beautiful sleeping.

I continue to look at her taking in every detail that I can spot but then I heard two voices and I shot my head towards her door seeing a light turn on through the gap between the door and floor. "Honey, don't go in she was tired and she's probably sleeping." It's her dad, "I just want to say something to her okay." A higher voice, her mom. They better leave Beans' door right now. I clench my fists the second I saw shadows from their feet. "You can tell her tomorrow Elayne. Just let our daughter sleep." One of them grabs the handle but I stay still, if they come in then I will give them a huge fucking piece of my mind for hurting their own daughter.

"You know what fine, I got a weird feeling as we got close to her room. Let's go to bed." Her mom walks away followed by the other and I calm down taking a deep breath in knowing Bean can have a full night's sleep. I slowly moved away making her let go of me and I slipped my shoes back on. I stoop up carefully, closing her computer and I look at what I'm leaving. I don't want to leave her right now but I don't have a choice right now, "Goodnight Beans." I moved a strand of hair out of her face and I walked towards her window slipping out and I took one last glance before closing her curtains and climbing back down the trellis.

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