43. Feeling Worse

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Bailey's POV:

I looked around the common area with Carmen while waiting for Skylar to come again because she wasn't in the parking lot when we got here. "You know I think you should just ask her out." Carmen comments besides me and I look at her, "What?" I question, "You should just ask her out I mean, she's already kissing you before class and shit so why not just make it official?" She asks.

"Because I'm not ready for my parents to know and there's no point in hiding anything because they're going to find out one way or another." I explain, they would find out or someone from the school will snitch on me. I can't have that happen, "Wait you said that she was ready, you said you weren't fucking ready no wonder why she hasn't been around you at all." Carmen flings her arms.

"No, she said she understands." I look back at the multiple entrances hoping to see Skylar walk in, "You're wrong she said that not to upset you ,bitch the same happened to me I know what's going on in her head." Carmen shakes her head, "So what is she thinking then?" I ask.

"She's avoiding you to keep herself at bay, you know the more she looks at you or thinks of you the more she wants you in more than one way." She pats my back, "Okay but what if I also want her in more than one way too." I know what she's implying, her eyes widen.

"Are you saying that you're ready to do it? Like you, Bailey Elle Skeels is ready to do the devil's tango?" She says with shock, never have I been one to ever talk about the deed or anything remotely close to sex, the most are spicy scenes in books and movies or tv shows but that's it. "Yes I'm ready, well I say that now but I think it's just because I want it with her because I trust her." I sigh hearing the bell ring.

"Well I would just ask her out what's the worse that can happen besides your parents find out and even with that it's not going to be the end of the world for you but I'm gonna go to class I'll see you later." She hugs me and we part ways but then I saw the twins walk past me and I quickly catch up to them, "Hey guys." I get their attention and they both smile seeing me.

"Sup Bailey, it's been a bit." Preston gives me a hug and I quickly pat his back, "Damn Preston you miss her that much." Parker snorts giving me a fist bump and Preston pulls away shoving his brother's shoulder. "Shut up man she's cool and she hasn't told on our asses." He shakes his head, "Whatever what's up Bailey?" Parker asks me tugging me away from the rushing groups of students.

"I was wondering if you know what's up with Skylar she's kind of avoiding me and I was hoping you guys might know why?" I fiddle with my fingers and they both look at each other then back at me, "Is she avoiding you? Or is she just gone?" Preston asks and I raise an eyebrow, "What do you mean just gone?" I ask and Parker whacks Preston's chest.

"He doesn't know what the hell he's talking about, she's probably just out on a trade right now she doesn't text us when she's on those," Parker tells me then glares at Preston. "Oh okay, thank you." I turn around awkwardly walking to my classroom. That was weird but he's probably right, they have known her longer than I have so I have to trust their word because Skylar isn't telling me otherwise.

I pulled out my phone as I walked into the classroom and I sat at my desk looking over the texts I sent since I woke up and they're all on delivered. Still on delivered.

Maybe the twins are right, she's out doing work but wouldn't school be more important but then again she doesn't care at all much about school and she's super smart it's like she doesn't need it.

Or maybe I ruined it between us.

Because I just don't want to get caught by my parents, did I really ruin it? Something that was finally good in my life. Someone who didn't get tired of me, someone who I feel ready to be with. I don't need my parents to be in the way.

I don't want them to pull Skylar and me apart but it seems like I did that all on my own. I closed my phone after staring too long at my screen and I let my head drop on the table. I need to fix this but how?

"Hey Bails!" I shoot my head up seeing Tyler slump into the chair in front of me. "What?" I groan and he leans back a little, "Woah who peed in your apple juice?" He jokes and I roll my eyes laying my head back down, "Okay okay my bad, no jokes. But seriously what's up with you?" He asks but I didn't bother looking at him. Not when he's not someone I'm wanting to see.

"Had a late night." I said and I felt a couple of pats on the behind my head. "Well get some sleep tonight, yeah and you might be able to get some sleep in this class but I don't know how you're going to do that with this weird-looking sub that keeps looking at you." He whispers the last part close to my ear and I lean up looking behind me.

A tall man sat with papers in his hands making glances up at me, in a black suit without a tie, shined shoes, an expansive watch, and slick hair. He doesn't look like any sub that I've had before. His light eyes continued to throw glances at me even though he fully well knows that I can see it. "Who's that?" I turn back around and Tyler shrugs his shoulders.

"No clue, I'm pretty sure he's a sub though I mean I haven't seen Mr. Bloom at all and neither has anyone else but this dude looks fucking scary like he works for some secret government program." He continues to whisper like he's scared of the man hearing him. "I guess so." I say before looking back and the man disappeared.

"Class, your teacher instructed you all to follow your assignment given weeks ago. You may work with others but keep the atmosphere quiet." We both shot our heads towards the front and the man who spoke in a thick European accent as he stood there before fixing the cuff of his sleeve walking between the desks and he passes Tyler and me leaving a scent of wood and metal. He smells great though. "I think that's our cue, I'm going to get my computer and I'll be right back." He leaves and I get my stuff out trying to ignore the stare coming from this mysterious sub.

Tyler and I worked on our presentations together sharing our ideas with each other hoping to get it right since Mr. Bloom isn't here to answer any of our questions and he isn't replying to anyone's emails so maybe he's sick or something.

The bell rang and we got packed I stood up from my seat and Tyler was already out the door since his next class is across the school, I followed the other kids out but then I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Miss Bailey Elle Skeels." His voice was low and I turned to face him, I don't think he's ever smiled in his life. "How do you know my full name?" I ask, he really said my full name no one knows my full name besides my parents, Carmen and I think Skylar knows too. "That is not important right now." He talks, I still don't know where his accent is from.

"Well do I get to know your name?" I pull my earbud from out of my ear hoping I might get the slightest clue about who this guy is. "That won't be necessary, you won't be seeing me again at least not in such a public setting I just wanted to see how you and Skylar are doing?" Again he fixes his cuff.

"Oh you know Skylar?" I step closer to him, he knows Skylar maybe he knows where she is. "I do." He nods, "That's cool so do you think you can tell me where she is because she's actually ignoring me." Please say he has any information, I feel like I'm searching for someone who's gone missing. It doesn't feel right.

"Ignoring you?" He raises his eyebrow that has a very fine point, his eyebrows are actually really cool they each have a slit in them. "Yeah, she hasn't answered my texts and maybe it's just me but usually she responds quite fast. So I don't know, I think I ruined it between us." Did I say too much? He stared at me blinking after a few seconds, this got awkward really fast.

"I don't know where she is." He clears his throat walking past me towards the door as other kids come into class. "Can I get a pass though? Please?" I quickly follow him but slowly stop as his giant steps only got bigger. "That was weird, why is everything so weird today?" I whisper to myself walking back into Mr. Bloom's classroom grabbing an empty pass. I can just fill this out on my own.

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