20. Just Vanish

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Bailey's POV:

"See ya tomorrow Bailey" Sheri waves me off and I wave back getting off the bus, I spent most of the time thinking about me just holding Skylar's hand, it kind of just happened. She was probably nervous about her test and I hope it helped because she did calm down which is good and so if it didn't help then I just embarrassed myself to the full extent and there's no going back. I told Carmen and she thought I was crazy, I thought I was too but she was proud because I helped. Skylar didn't really come around me as much though, it was just Carmen and I during lunch. I saw her walk by with the twins Preston and Parker then it was really just me walking to classes alone, I didn't see her at all which was weird but her bike was in the parking lot.

I saw it through my 4th period so she was definitely here but she didn't answer my text if she wanted to join me in class, did I scare her off? Does she hate me now? Maybe I just made her nervousness worse, I need to stop overthinking. I saw both my parent's cars in the driveway and I tensed up a little, more awkwardness today I don't think I need anymore. I reached my front door and I unlocked it walking in. "I'M HERE!" I yelled out quickly making my way to the stairs only to be stopped when I see both of my parents at the top of the staircase. "Is everything okay?" I ask them taking out my AirPods.

They both stared at me silently, my mom in her work-tight work clothes: A pencil skirt, maroon blazer with a white button blouse underneath revealing cleavage, her secret to winning law cases. Her eyes slowly squinting and the creases in her forehead grow as she taps her right index finger on her hip while holding her phone in the other hand. My dad in dark blue sweats that don't cuff at the bottom with his hands in his pockets and his old grey university hoodie, he looks like he just woke up from the way his hair is still a mess, he never goes to work like this.

"What do you think Bailey?" Dad pinches the bridge of his nose, this is about the ditching isn't it. I stood as still as possible, I'm scared that if I move I would get in more trouble. I continued to stay silent, I know when they're mad at me and I've never been able to answer their questions, I feel stupid and shitty. "We got a call about your absences last week, you missed an entire morning of classes. AN ENTIRE MORNING BAILEY!" Mom raises her voice, I'm still not used to it, it's been years and it still scares me. I've been able to tell whose footsteps are whose, I've been able to hide stuff from them, I can make a good enough of a lie to get me through something small but the yelling still kills me inside. Worthless, I try so hard to make them proud but nothing is good enough.

"I don't understand, HOW DID YOU EVEN LEAVE THE SCHOOL GROUNDS! You don't drive and neither does Carmen, I know for a FUCKING fact Bailey that you don't have money because I'm the one that gives you money and you always spend it on books instead of saving it for college! How can you be so irresponsible?! I know I raised you right, my own daughter becoming a delinquent is unacceptable!" She continues to go on and on about me, I can't tell her about Skylar it's too soon.  Running away sounds like a good idea right now but I just feel like disappearing forever, never having to see anyone, never having to disappoint anyone again. I don't want to be here anymore. "Elayne hun, enough." Dad puts his hands on her shoulders only for her to smack them off.

"Daniel, I know you're trying to play the good parent card right now, earlier you were going off about how she should be more disciplined so don't tell me 'enough' because I have the balls to say something when you stand there looking at me as if I hit Bailey." She pokes his chest and stayed quiet, he defends himself against mom's words but he didn't this time. He's on her side. "First cheating on the test and now you're ditching school, at this rate, you won't be able to get into any good college. Notre Dame won't accept you and this track record that you're giving yourself is setting yourself up for failure, the family will be disappointed to hear this." She finishes talking with the obvious 'Who does my daughter think she is?' tone in her voice.

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