4. History in the Past

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To Erik, Ria is a complete mystery. He had grown good at reading people, but he can never figure out what's going on in her head. Neither can Charles, but while the telepath seems increasingly annoyed, Erik enjoys the mystery.

It had started when they met, this attraction to her unknown. Though he wonders about her relationship with the mutant at the bar, his mind mostly remembers the look on her face when she fought. She was meant to fight—meant for battle. A soldier in her own right even before it came to blows.

He was surprised when she decided to join them, and more surprised by her insights. Every time she speaks, it feels like holiness itself, as if her word were stone. Even something as simple as a laugh echoes for hours in his mind.

It makes her dangerous.

She knows it too, but she chooses not to be. At every crossroads, she chose to remain passive, to remain peaceful in the face of danger. From what he heard, she probably could have decimated Schmidt and his group, but she waited until Darwin's life was in jeopardy to act.

It should be cowardly. Erik knows he should see it as cowardly, but it just makes him want to know why. Everything she does just adds more questions, furthering the mystery of Ria. Just Ria, no family name or lineage—she had specified in the car. Said it was lost to history.

The mystery never ends. He can sense the metal on her person but has never seen it. He sees the reservation behind her wide smiles and teasing laughter. And she somehow knows how to fight almost better than him.

Earlier this morning, he had found her with Raven in the gardens, trying to teach the shapeshifter how to defend herself. It was certainly a spectacle to see Raven get her ass handed to her in three seconds flat repeatedly before Charles had broken up their training session.

Ria moved like waves in the sea, each turn fluid and each block purposeful. She acted defensively, never actively attacking Raven. He noted that she favored momentum and allowed gravity to be her enemy's downfall, smiling at the end of each round. It grew over time, that smile. Grew like a hurricane descending on civilization.

If he could be honest with himself, he might admit that she could beat him. Maybe.

Even just speaking to Charles, Erik finds himself thinking about what she could possibly be hiding. Through Charles' strict training regimen, he has only caught glimpses of her throughout the day but hasn't been able to ask anything.

He always fails when he tries. There's a glimmer in her eye that wards him away as if she's scared of what she might say.

"So, you and I should get to work soon," Charles says as they walk together through the house. "Work on your mutation."

Erik chuckles. "I am not who you need to worry about."

"Ria, then?"

With a frown, Erik pauses.

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