30. Back to Reality

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Warning: implications of homophobia

 The port is crowded, but Erik can still spot Ria racing through the bodies milling about. She is frantic and terrified, as she slips between shoulders and pushes her way to the back of the port, a crumpled newspaper clutched in her hand.

"Excuse me!" She shouts, but her voice does not carry. Erik and Charles stand just beyond a small booth with two men sitting there looking at lists of names as Ria shoves herself against the table, her hands planted on the top. "Excuse me!"

"What can I do you for, Miss?" One of the men asks, a pipe balancing between his lips.

"The paper! It said to, uh, it said to come here. For information."

The man's eyes narrow. "Sorry for your loss."

"No, no, no," Ria shakes her head. "She could be alive. You have the list, right? You-you can tell me she's alive." Tears line her eyes as she stares at him.


She falters. "Flatmate."

"Unless you're family, we can't give out that information." He leans back in his seat and crosses his arms. Something malicious settles in his gaze, dangerous enough that even Ria can notice. "Sorry, Miss. Best get on with your day."

"I'm the closest thing to family she admits to having. So, please. Please just tell me she's alive."

"Odds are she sunk with the rest of the Titanic."

"I know, but if you could just look at the list—" she tries to pick it up, but he snatches it away. "Please! Jacklyn Griffin. She was working as a stewardess for second class."

"Miss, I'm gonna have to ask you to calm down."

"Calm down? I need to know that she's alive, and you're telling me you can't tell me when I'm the only person, family or not, that cares whether she lives or dies, so please, sir, just tell me that she's alright!"

Before the man can reply again, a short, plump woman squeezes herself next to Ria, taking her hand tightly and saying, "Hello, my name is Harriet Griffin. My sister, Jacklyn Griffin, was on that ship you fools claimed couldn't sink. Now, please tell us where she is, or so help me, I will destroy you. Not the company you work for, you."

Ria glances at the woman, whispering, "Harriet—"

"Ria." Harriet nods.

"Miss, I cannot give that information with her here." The man sends a withering glare towards Ria.

Harriet narrows her eyes. "Any information can be shared with the both of us. Now, tell me where my sister is. I wouldn't dally."

As the man clicks his tongue and looks down the list of names, Ria mutters, "Thank you."

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