17. The End of the Past

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Ria hopes fate is on their side as they walk up to the White House. Hank wheels Charles along as Ria falls in step beside Logan, her head tilted down as they get closer to the multiple news crews she can already see set up in the garden. Her shoulder itches in the same spot the bullet had wounded though she knows it is fully healed at this point. A perk of her mutation—the energy reserves in her body allow for quicker healing, especially for smaller wounds.

"You ok?" Logan asks her, his voice low as they look around the crowded garden.

"Not really," she sighs. "I'm sorry about your future, Logan. That I wasn't there to help."

"I think we both know it wasn't your fault," he replies. "Besides, I don't know how much help you'd have been fighting against Magneto."

"I can hold my own."

"Yeah, but you hold back."

She can't deny that.

"For what it's worth," Logan drops his voice more as they step up to the metal detector. "I hope you find a way to stop running one day. Find some kind of peace with yourself."

With a small smile, she says, "I'll do that when you do."

As Hank pushes Charles. Through the detector, both get stopped by the guards standing before them. "Can I see your invitations, please?" One of the guards asks.

Ria suppresses a grin as Charles places two fingers to his temple and says, "Yes, you may. These three are with me."

"Go ahead."

Charles and Hank walk forward a few steps as Logan pauses before the detector. When he steps through, he pauses once more, his expression scrunched up as Ria walks through, the machine beeping loudly. "Apologies," Ria says with a shrug as she wraps a finger around her necklace to show the guards. "It does not come off."

"Let her pass," Charles says.

The guard blinks once before he allows them through. Ria takes a deep breath as Logan offers his arm, whispering, "Usually, I'm the one to get stopped."

"Try having a giant gem attached to your chest."

Logan hides his laugh as they join Charles and Hank in the crowd. Any humor disappears as all of the mutants look around, hoping to find a glimpse of Raven before she does something rash. Ria can only hope they find her quickly.

"I haven't found her yet, but she has to be here," Charles says.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States."

Ria wrinkles her nose as President Nixon steps up to the podium. She shifts uncomfortably beside Logan when she catches sight of Trask and his lackey already on stage, neither looking impressed.

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