31. Rebellion

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 "This world is going to hell," Kora mutters to herself as Hank and Moira fly the plane through the dust and grime. She had seen a flash of crystal near what is now just a ball of floating metal and had followed it to the top of the pyramid, once again meeting the owl. It sickens her to no end to see some length of chain shimmering in the light as the two women stand over the destruction, neither having seen the plane yet.

"What the hell is that?" Moira asks.

"It's Erik," Raven replies.

Kora yelps when Peter comes up by her side to look out the front, his eyes narrowed at the ball of metal. Shaking her head, she looks back and says, "You guys help Kurt get into the pyramid. Get Charles. Pluto, you know what to do."

"I'll take care of Erik," Raven says.

Hank shakes his head. "How are you going to get through that?"

"I can get you in there," Peter says. "I came here for him. Let me help you."

Raven nods. "The rest of you, get Charles on this plane and get him out of here."

"We're not leaving without you," Kurt exclaims.

"Don't worry, we'll catch up," Peter grins.

The moment Hank lands the plane. Kora bids them all farewell as she takes Pluto's hand, and they race through the carnage. The buildings are completely destroyed, any evidence of life extinguished. It pains her heart as she and Pluto slip into a small building where she can feel the slightest bit of life.

Letting go of Pluto's hand, she kneels on the ground and places her hands against the soil. Closing her eyes, she wills the earth to shift to her will, and it does. Soil parts for her, a large hole growing before her as greenery climbs up the broken walls, cocooning them in life. Gems rise to the surface—gold and opal and diamond—as the ground continues to part for Kora.

Death brushes against her face.

She opens her eyes with a grin as Pluto kneels beside her, a large smile on his face. "Hello, husband," Kora whispers, her voice echoing down the hole. "Have I got a story for you."

Please don't make me do this.

Any thoughts in her mind are simply blocked. Even if she wants to plead with Athena, beg her not to harm the mutants who broke through her shield, it would be useless. Athena would take it as a sign of weakness—a sign that she had not, in fact, blocked off memories that would make her pause or hinder her ability to be the Aegis Athena needs.

Failure will result in a fate worse than death. Blessed nothingness would be ideal, but Athena would ensure her afterlife was hell. Her powers would go to En Sabah Nur, her friends would be left defenseless for Athena to break.

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