8. For Their Sake

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Today is the day everything changes. Ria can feel it in her gut as she looks down at her suit-clad figure in the mirror, admiring the way the material clings to her curves. Though she is slightly concerned with how Hank somehow got her measurements, it seems he adjusted for her chest and gave her more room than needed—a feature she is grateful for. It hides the metal beneath, shrouding it in darkness.

There are many things that could go wrong with today's plan. Shaw is a menace in himself with the gaggle of mutants that serve him. Both armies could react negatively and hinder her group's plans. But the only true wildcard, among all of the variables, is Erik.

Not once had he agreed to outright stopping a war.

Which is why Ria now heads to his room and knocks on the door. She takes a moment to glance down and notice the book is gone before she hears Erik say, "Come in."

As she slips into his room, she finds him also dressed in Hank's suit, trying to adjust the padding around his stomach and chest. He meets her gaze in the mirror but does nothing more to welcome her.

Silently, Ria walks forward and swats Erik's hands out of the way, taking the covered padding and yanking it in the right direction. She smirks as he lets out a small sigh of relief before she steps back and takes a deep breath. "Did you get the book I brought you?"

For a moment, he frowns before realization dawns on him.

"I thought you might enjoy it," she smiles, though it does not quite reach her eyes as she looks him over. "Especially the first part. About what it takes to be a good ruler."

"Do you have something to say to me?" He arches a brow almost defensively as he crosses his arms. "Or are you planning on dancing around your point?"

There is something dark in his gaze. Not like Charles—the telepath had been afraid and unsure. Erik just looks defensive as if he is trying to hide his true self away. The same way a soldier would. The same way Ria used to each day.

"You know, one of the great Merlyn's teachings has to do with justified war," she says, chewing at the inside of her cheek. "Personally, I don't believe that you can justify your own battles by preventing another. It seems backward to me. You end up on the battlefield anyway."

He clenches his jaw. "Spit it out, Ria."

"Shaw needs to die." Her eyes feel too wide as she lowers her voice. "If he wins, if he starts this war, it will mean a massacre of everyone, mutants and humans alike. He needs to be put down before he has that chance."

The darkness in his eyes begins to dissipate, more of that clear glass shining through as he steps towards her. "He won't survive, I assure you."

"We are to end this war, yes?" Her expression softens as she stares at him. "No more. Shaw dies, and his minions will scatter, and then we disappear. It goes back to how it was. Peaceful."

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