Trying to figure things out

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"Oh I understood now!"
"Do you really?"
"See i told you there was no point in waking him up! He won't listen!"
The crew discussed.

"Lets just get into this, we don't need him to listen."
Everyone sat down on the ground not sure what to do.

"Alright so zoro you said that it was some sort of gas, right?"
"Pretty sure it was, I thought it was sleeping gas because it made everyone pass out and luffy looked like he was asleep, but when I when
woke up I guess I was wrong due from everyone looking like kids again."
"Snaji isn't wrong either, gas can do anything!"
"I guess it can, due to us being kids"
"It feels wired being small and weak again."
"I was always strong even when I was a kid!"
Everything looked at usopp, and then talked again.

"Really guys?!"
Everyone looked at luffy to see him looking at the sky with a 'thinking' face.
"What if were on a different island too?"
He looked back at the crew staring at him.

Nami says and the whole crew went silent. Everyone one looked around still silence in the air, everyone became to worry, but luffy.

the whole crew said getting up from the ground.
Luffy staid put which is unlike him.

"You can't go alone moss head! You'll get lost!"
Snaji said to zoro.

"Oh shut up! Ill be fine!"
Zoro walking off to see if they are in a different island.

The crew went different ways and each one went to an edge of the island and saw it was a completely different island.
Everyone came back from to the spot they woke up from. They all wondered why when they woke up it looked like the same spot from the other island, so they didn't think much that it was a different island.
When they got there they realized that luffy was gone same with zoro they thought he was lost, which was right.

"Up here!"
Luffy yelled from up high, he was in the trees.

"How did you get up there?!"
"With my powers? Duh."
"Luffy still had his devil fruit when he was young?"
"Well what are you doing up there?!"
"To have a better view!"
"You could of told us that in the beginning! We wouldn't have to look for ourselves!"
"Well i thought you guys wouldn't believe me.."
The raven haired boy said a bit sadly.

"Look what you did guys! You made him sad!"
"Of course not luffy! We would believe you!"
Nami lied.
Luffy not hearing nami he spotted a man with green hair that was lost.

Luffy yelled hoping zoro to hear him, but zoro heard him loud and clear.
zoro yelled.

luffy and zoro yell at each other from far away .
"Hey luffy!"
Usopp yells at luffy trying to catch his attention.
"What else can you see up there? Do you see a village or any sign that there's a village? "
"Let me see..hmmm, Nope i don't see a thing!"
"So its a deserted island?"
Nami said to sanji and usopp.

"Must be then, looks like we're the only ones here!"
Usopp says.

"Right, thanks luffy!"
"No problem!"
Luffy gives them that perfect smile he does, makes them blush a bit.

there blush goes away instantly when they heard that.

"Im right here idiot"
"Stop screaming im right next to you!"
"Heheh sorry"
The crew on the ground was a bit jealous that he was up there with luffy so nami tried to bring them down.

"That witch trying to keep him away from me?" zoro thought.

"We still need to discuss this!"
"No! Its not like-"
Before he could finish his sentence he fell of the tree causing zoro to fall too.

"Hurry find away to catch them!"
But it was to late the two boys fell and hit the ground hard.

"God Dammit luffy.."
"Heheh.. thanks zoro!"
Luffy landed right on top on zoro trying to make sure he didn't get hurt.

"You have enough wounds on you we don't need more."
Luffy got off zoro and helped him to get up. Zoro was blushing a bit but hiding it by looking away.
"Come to think about luffy, how did you get those wounds on you?"
Nami asked.

"Hmm let me think."
Luffy sat down trys to think.
"Remember these are our old bodies so we will have old wounds on ourselves. "
"Oh in that case I remember! I remember when I was a kid my grandpa would always through me into the woods!"
"Why would he do that?!"
Nami said serious and the other crew members just listen not liking the story already.

"Because he wanted me to become strong and be a marine! I didn't want to become one so I always said I wanted to become a pirate!"
"Now look at you, you have your own little crew!"
Usopp said smiling. Luffy started laughing remembering other memories.
"Whats so funny?"
Snaji asked.

"Its because ace would also treat me horrible when we were younger. "
"Ace? Who's that.."
The crew were about to go find this guy that treated there innocent little captain horrible.

"Hes my brother!"
"Oh..what kind of brother does that? "
The crew said
"Hehe he was the best! I want to be just like him!"
"How cutee!"
Nami said then snapped out of it.
"Wait we can't be talking about this right now! We need to discuss this!"
"But you were the one that started it-"
Usopp whispers to himself.

"Of course nami-swann~! Now shut your mouths and listen to her."
Sanji told the crew but not luffy.
Zoro groaned.

"What was that moron?"
"I didn't even say anything."
"Thats what I thought."
"You wanna go ero-cook?!"
Zoro sat up.

"I can beat you any day!"
"Oh yeah? Let's see you try!"
"You two SHUT UP!"
"yes ma'am."
The two boys sat down.

"Wait why I'm i following what that witch says?!"
Zoro got up again.

"Anyways there was to be a time limit right?"
"I mean its gas so I would think so"
"But for how long?"
"Lets just wait it out and see what happens. "
"Okay? But what if were still on the same island and what if we don't go back to normal?!"
"Clam down usopp, we'll give it a week and if nothing happens we'll plan whats going to happen."
"Sanji it right for now we wait"
The crew was done discussing and looked at the sky that it was about to be night time.

"How are we going to sleep?"
"Lets try to find big enough leafs to over us up since we're small again we could fit"
"Right Lets go"
"Are you coming luffy?"
"Huh? Oh yeah! Were are we going?"
"To collect leafs"
"Hey hey let him choose who he wants to go with."
"Tch really nami?"Usopp thought.

"Well someone has to go with zoro so he won't get lost!"
"Whats that supposed to mean?"
Zoro snorted.
"Lucky little bastard."  the crew all thought.

"Alright let's go"
Zoro turned around and gave them a smirk. That made them all mad and jealous.

So far he had the best chances so far out of the whole crew. They all wanted to spent time with luffy so they had to put up the game making sure zoro doesn't get all of it.

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