Day 1

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After everyone got big enough leafs they lay them out for them to get their own little 'beds' they were close to each other in case if it gets cold, no other reason...

Luffys 'bed' was in the middle, in the left side was Sanjis on the right side was Zoros, behind Sanji was Nami and behind Zoro was Usopp. They were pretty much set. Nami and usopp were jealous that Zoro and Sanji had more of Luffy but they couldn't do anything about it. They were all ready to go to bed but then you hear. 'growling'
Everyone groaned.
"Im hungry! Sanji make food!"
"Right now luffy? We were about to sleep!"
Nami tells luffy.

"Its fine Nami-swan ill make food."
"Bet your cooking gonna taste like ass."
"Can we just go to sleep.."
Usopp yawned.

"*sigh* ill go get some wild animals to cook while you guys get some wood to start a fire"
The crew agreed with Sanji expected Zoro but he still went to get some wood.

Everyone got back with the stuff and set it down, they got the wood and started a fire.
"Woah thats huge!"
Usopp said.

"Since we're so small, things are going to look big to us."
Sanji explained.
After that the food was ready and they digged in.

"Wowf yourf cofing is stilf goodf!"
Sanji hit Luffys head. Luffy swallowed his food and said.

"mphm..still hurt."
"Ugh so cute..wait what? Shit I'm thinking like that again." Sanji thought.

"Aw cmon Sanji let him be."
Nami giggled.
Sanji said blushing a bit.

After everyone was done eating they let the campfire on to keep them warm, soon they all fell asleep. Since luffy moves around a lot when he sleeps the leaf he was covered with feel off him while he was asleep. He woke up due to the cold, the campfire was off already, he looked around to find the leaf that coverd himself with.
"Wheres that stupid leaf?"
Luffy got up to find it and saw it.
"Ha! Found you!"
Luffy went to get it but the wind came by and the leaf flew away and luffy couldn't get it since the wind got in his eyes.

"Aww man! What now..?"
He went back to his spot and looked at sanji, he was asleep and still had his leaf covering him, luffy got an idea and so he laid with him.
"Hope he won't mind." Luffy thought.
He covered himself with sanjis leaf, good thing is was big enough for both of them.

Sanji was still asleep but moved a bit he turned the way luffy was so luffy got a bit scared that he would wake up.
"Please don't wake up, please don't wake up!"
Instead he felt something on his hair and waist. There were two hands, one of his hair and one on his waist he clinched his eyes and Hoped for the best.

Sanjis hand was on luffys hair and his other hand on his waist he pulled him in and soon enough they were cuddling, but luffy had no idea what was going on, he opened his eyes and saw Sanjis neck, he didn't know what to do so he just closed his eyes hoping to go to sleep.

He felt warm, really warm sanjis hand in his hair and waist felt normal to him, it reminded him when his brothers did it to him so it wasn't really new but he enjoyed it. It didn't take long for him to go to sleep little did he now that Sanji was awake all this time.
Sanjis face was bright red he didn't want to let go and wanted to stay like this forever, he put his head in luffys fluffy hair and closed his eyes, it felt like one of his wishes with luffy came true, soon enough they both were asleep and his grip lighten from luffy and both fell asleep cuddling each other, sanji knew the rest of the crew was gonna get jealous, he just knew that he had the best chance with luffy so far, he smirked at that thought in his sleep.

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