08 | dreams & goals

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THE RED RAYS of sunshine from the sinking sun gently warmed the young genius's (s/c) skin as she lay on the blanket, drifting into a doze beside the seashore

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THE RED RAYS of sunshine from the sinking sun gently warmed the young genius's (s/c) skin as she lay on the blanket, drifting into a doze beside the seashore.

Hearing the melodies of the wind and waves calmed her nerves and eased her addled mind due to the recent events; feeling momentary freedom from discomfort. It has been quite some time since she visited the ocean and breathe the crispy salty air.

There came an oddity of relaxation in the presence of the sea. Apparently, (Y/N) wasn't the only one who thought so.

A few meters from her, there stood a figure; gazing into the vast ocean as the sun slowly sank. Midoriya found motivation in the seaside which he was instructed to clean as a form of training by his mentor. Looking back at the past and the hardships that he went through, reminded him of the reasons why he needed to pursue his goals and dreams.

Taking his sight off the ocean. He nearly shrieked seeing a figure laying flatly on the sand. Rushing towards the body, he immediately recognized the person and reluctantly called for them.

"(Y/N)?" he whispered, not wanting to disrupt her peace. Not receiving a reply, he went closer and calmed down seeing her chest going up and down; indicating she was breathing. "(Y/N)?" he repeated, this time a little louder.

"Hmm?" she hummed and stirred in her sleep. (Y/N) instantly sat up upon the realization that she fell asleep. "Midoriya?" she groaned, whilst rubbing off the sleepiness and the specks of dust of sand on her eyes.

"I saw you laying here and I was worried." he put out, "were you sleeping here all alone? It's dangerous."

In a daze, Y/n faced the greenette with an exhausted look. "I didn't mean to fall asleep. I guess I got tired." (Y/N) patted the white blanket underneath her. "Sit down. You'll get foot cramps if you crouch down and the sand is dirty."

Gulping in nervousness, the freckled teen sat down beside her. The fluffy blanket gave him such comfort that it made him understand why she fell asleep.

"You go to this place?" he asked, looking at the ethereal orange-hued sky with the sea glistening in the reflection of the sunlight.

"It's my first time, actually." she replied, "Just wanted to clear my mind." (Y/N) pursed her lips in regret; not liking the sentence that she used.

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