33 | vigilante shit

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THE SMELL OF RED WINE permeated the room as a man dressed in a striped suit poured it into his bottle with a satisfied smile on his aged face

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THE SMELL OF RED WINE permeated the room as a man dressed in a striped suit poured it into his bottle with a satisfied smile on his aged face. He raised the wine glass for a cheer whilst looking at the man in front of him all beaten up and tied to a chair who glared back at him.

The man took one last look outside through the glass windows of the building he was located in a seemingly unassuming city; he went through the contacts on his hostage's phone and clicked the number he was looking for with a condescending smirk.

"You there, man! Why don'tcha pick up the phone when Mr. Compress calls, you jerk?!" came loudly from the other line.

"Ah, I'm afraid that would be our fault. I assume I'm speaking to Jin Bubaigawara, the villain known as Twice?" said the man, before taking a sip of his wine.

There was a pause before the other line finally said: "Who is this? And where's Giran?!"

But instead of answering his question the man inquired, "Say... Why don't you check the news? Right now if you can!"

Mr. Compress swiftly took out his phone and watched the news; there it presented news of fingers found in different locations from where the League of Villains did their dirty deeds. The fingers are found to belong to the same individual.

"Greetings, League of Villains!" the man resumed, "You are speaking to the grand commander of the Meta Liberation Army: Re-Destro."

On the side of the League of Villains, Shigaraki sighed; "First the yakuza, now the Liberation Army... all these retro freaks are trying to make a comeback. Is it cuz of that book that came out a little while back? Are you trying to ride that wave straight to the headlines?"

"How well-informed you are! But no, it's the other way around, we created the wave."

"Well, good for you! Now, where's Giran?! And whaddya want?!" yelled Twice, "You better not've touched a hair on that wonderful man's head!"

Re Destro glanced at the man in question. "He's here. Alive, of course. And we seek to liberate all meta-humans. We will tear down the existing framework and rebuild this world as a place where people are free to be themselves and use their abilities as they see fit."

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