31 | grand masquerade

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A FORTNIGHT ELAPSED traffic bustled the brilliant night; citizens near and far scurried in hurried steps, some even skipping in glee, while excitedly chattering about, all going in the same direction. In the forenamed destination stood a massive pavilion expo aglow with pride and exuberance in the city night.

A large bustling crowd encompasses the establishment, and white blinding flashes of light by the paparazzi cameras were directed at the foyer as loads of individuals of high importance clad in the robes of luxury entered the building. The mass media were present too for this special occasion. Reporters and journalists trotted in hopes of brewing an interesting article about the event. Some were even lucky to have been able to interview a number of arriving pro heroes and support company officials. Police forces were scattered around, in and out of the premise. Although the event mostly contained pro heroes it still provided some safety assurance.

Inside the arena, at the center, a large stage was set in front with wide stretched screens displaying a show of welcome greetings for the guests from L/n industries while a famous band performed on stage to entertain the arriving guests. Rows and rows of circular tables accompanied by chairs draped with white silks were neatly organized on the front sides of the stage, leaving a vacant space at its fore where people gathered to see the performance on stage up close.

Atop of all these reserved boards were elegant tablewares of utmost extravagance. Each table had a stunning centerpiece glass vase with floral embellishments of charming white daffodils, sunset orange lilies, blood red tulips, and black dahlias arranged in a monochromatic color palette. A white folded tent escort card on top of each plate kept them from disarray. These tables were especially reserved for the main guests: pro heroes, support company owners, and L/n industries officials; some of which are already seated and drowning in their confabulation.

In a remorter corner, a sumptuous banquet prepared atop on a broad long table draped with the same white silk cloth as the others is situated. A number of invited guests had and would occasionally come by and gorged to their heart's content. On some areas of the pavilion, exhibitions of new products were presented from L/n industries and other support company respectively. And in those areas civilians were marveling through with provided assistance by employees recognizable by their pronounced red suit.

In the crush of the crowds, Y/n gently twirled the champagne flute on her hand taking a sip periodically. "Quite a night isn't it?" she said, "This is my first time hosting a party as grand as this." She sat on a table regally separated from the rest accompanied by one person. "It's good but quite superfluous. You needn't to invite every pro hero in Japan." inquired Toni Ho.

"Loosen up now. This party is for you!" Y/n grinned, "Miss CEO of L/n industries."

Toni rolled her eyes. "It only means more work for me but I am extremely honored. And this party is for your company's success, Miss Y/n."

"Atleast show a little bit enthusiasm!" Y/n pouted. "And besides you have a new helping intelligent hand now!"

"Miss Y/n, she's still an intern—a student!"

"So? She might be a little clumsy but if given the opportunity and with the right experience she'll be an incredible asset to the company! Trust me."

Toni sighed, deigning not to reply and took a drink instead. "Speak of the devil." mumbled Y/n to which Toni responded by giving a glance towards the direction the young genius was looking at.

"Hey guys!" a young teen clad in a simple light red Sunday dress waltzed in and sat down at the vacant chair beside Y/n. "Looks like this party isn't the only dazzling thing tonight," Toni rolled her eyes at her boss's statement, finding it cheesy. "You're looking mighty fine. I must say quite cleaner!"

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