35 | the guilty's mirage

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A SILHOUETTE ACROSS THE STREET stood ominously a few steps behind the streetlamp, effectively hiding their identity in the shadows. (Y/N) stood from the otherside, staring incredulously at the figure.

It was in the middle of the night, although, a few people remained bustling around and about the city. (Y/N) couldn't exactly remember how she got on to that street but she knew she was out for her nightly business. There were people walking by the street, and she wasn't out of view, she was among the crowd that flooded the streets; normaly, whether she was Black Widow or Iron Woman, she would prefer to be out of view; however, for some reason, she hadn't seem to notice nor cared about her exposure.

She was fixated on the shadowy figure that seemed to stare right back at her. After a couple of minutes staring in absolute intense stillness, the silhouette stepped a fraction in to the light, however, not enough for (Y/N) to see their face but enough that she could discern that the figure was a man with average height and broad shoulders. She couldn't quite grasp his dark clothing, she felt as if she had seen it before but couldn't pinpoint where.

The man then gestured at her to come forth. And as she did, the man walked briskly in to the alleyway; (Y/N) followed. As she chased after the man in to the passage, which seemed to stretch in to a gigantic maze, she felt a strong sense of familiarity.

She had been here, she was certain of it. But at what condition and when?

The faster her steps were, the faster he went. In their chase of cat and mouse, she could only hear their steps. Her heart beat rapidly, both in exhilaration and anxiety. The dingy alleyway then turned in to a hallway of grey walls and grey floor, and with this the sense of familiarity increased within her. It was so overwhelming that her heart ached.

Her quick steps accelerated, she was now running. As she got closer and closer, she observed that the man was not running and was continuously brisk walking. (Y/N) felt a rotten desire grew in her heart, it incited her to draw her weapon, aiming at his back, then without a moment's hesitation she pulled the trigger.

(Y/N) was surprised at the loud noise of her weapon. She was sure she installed a silencer on it. Though concerned at this, her curiosity of the identity of the man surged and she went to him; he was laying on the ground on his chest, blood started coating his back. He wasn't moving.

'Oh please,' she rolled her eyes in pure hatred and annoyance. The bullet would simply erase his quirk, nothing too painful.

With hands shaking in anticipation and agitation, she turned the man around. Upon seeing the man's face, she was instantly stricken with terror; every inch of her body went numb and cold, just as stiff and cold as the body before her - he was dead.

Overhaul was dead.

Her wide constricted eyes examined him for some more, there was a gigantic hole on his chest. His face was white, wrinkled, purple, and most of all, void of life. Although she had just shot her a second ago, his body was already decomposed. (Y/N) could see the insides of his chest, there was no smell but the sight was morbid. Blood still oozed out from the corpse, the muscles were protruding, the flesh looked rotten and tiny remains of it were splattered across the body. Despite of the repulsive sight of it, the only thing that spiked her horror was the heart that layed openly at the chest.

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