28 | living dead girl

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HUSHED BREATHS CUT through the tense silence inside the obscure chamber. Lights flickered, barely illuminating the room from the distance.

Y/n hid behind a stack of wooden boxes. She could hear her heart beating inside of her chest and the pattern of her breaths over the mufflers on her ears. Y/n peered over her hideout to inspect the hallway and readied her gun.

Five men emerged from the corridor, four of which were equipped with firearms that were not yet primed for use, while the other one had prominent physical features that showed a mutation type of quirk.

The young genius fixed her position silently and directed her aim to the mutant man's head while remaining hidden as they walked through the hallway, oblivious to the danger they were in.

The next happened in a flash of light. Breathing out her anxiety, she pulled the trigger, caught them by surprise, and went for their weapons. Y/n instinctively positioned her aim at the next person and shot; aim then shot, aim then shoot, until she knew for certain that she'd shot all of them.

All the lights turned on, causing her to shut her eyes tight before blinking to adjust her vision. Y/n took off the mufflers that she was wearing and looked in front.

"That was the quickest one yet." said her instructress, Dottie, looking at the thin white piece of wood that stood from the distance; the frozen hologram of the makeshift villains provided by a projector.


"Five men, all armed: one had a mutation quirk, the other four were equipped with firearms, handguns, which could be located on their breast pockets based on the bulges. It is unclear, however, if the other four had quirks." Y/n answered eloquently. "When they heard the shot, they all went for their guns but were ultimately shot before they could even fire."

"Very good. Although..." she strode across the room to inspect the bullet holes on the holograms that her apprentice had made. "If these villains were in real life, two of them would've been able to escape or call for backup."

Dottie pointed her red manicured finger at the holograms of the villains, parts of which the bullet went through were pixilated for indication. One of them was shot on the collarbone, the other on the shoulder, while the rest were shot on their vital parts, which would catalyze their demise.

Y/n tucked her lip between her teeth. An underwater silence mushroomed the place, creating an uncomfortable coil inside her stomach.

"But," Y/n spoke with hesitance before eventually gaining the courage to speak. "Realistically, a hero's goal is to stop and arrest villains? Not entirely killing them on the spot?"

Dottie gave her an intimidating dull stare that made the Y/n shift in her position uncomfortably, ears ringing with the weight of the silence.

Although it wasn't out of Y/n's skepticism of Dottie that curled her insides, it was caused by the young genius's fear of disappointing the instructress.

Y/n wholeheartedly admired Dottie.

She was everything that Y/n aspired to be.

From the exterior, Dottie was an extremely attractive lady with midnight black hair that flowed over her shoulders, perfectly shaping her chiseled jawline and making her cherry lips prominent. She could enchant someone with a bat of her languid eyelashes of velvet-black and a heavenly smile on her sweet-candy lips. Her jaw-dropping, burnished complexion and dainty figure made her seem like an innocent and harmless woman.

However, beneath that attractive face was a ruthless fighter and a dubious snake that Y/n commended.

Truly, a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

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