Chapter-3: The Sport's Meet.

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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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Coming back home, I saw that Mama was asleep, I showered and prayed for a bit more extra time....knowing that I had committed way to many sins today. You know the way that guilt floods back after committing a sin...yes exactly like that.

"Salam crackhead! Didn't come down yet?" That was Usman.

"Oh, so I am now a crackhead for just not coming down. Huh?"

"How was your day anyway? You had some event today right?"

"Oh, I'm actually surprised that you remember. And it was good Alhamdulillah."

He came from the couch to lay on my bed and to take my laptop from me.

"Hey, what's with you and taking my laptop and I was actually doing something on it now."

I said retrieving back my laptop from him.

"I was just curious to see what you were doing in there." He said pointing at the laptop which was successfully with me.

"What's there to be curious about this, unless... you want to see Mariam's latest pictures?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows.

Apparently my brother had a tiny bit crush on Mariam and the look on Mariam's face when I told her this gave a clear indication that my brother's feelings were completely requited. But both of them deny and say that it was a long time back and its nothing as such now.

As though I'm going to believe them, huh!

"Of course not, why would I want to see her?" he asked turning a bit red.

"Perhaps, because she didn't come here in a long time and you're desperate to have her one glance." I said grinning and giving him an 'I know it all' look.

"Oh shut up, will you? Coming to your room was a mistake I guess." He said getting up from the bed and leaving the room.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I yelled back at his retreating figure.

I was then called down to have dinner and then came back up and slept peacefully after an eventful yet an uneventful day.


"Maira, if you do not wake up this second wallahi you're gonna be drenched in water."

Ya Allah why should my brother be having a day-off on the same day as mine.

"How about you leave my room this second?" I asked irritation crawling in.

"Not happening sister! Come on, wake up" he said truly enjoying my state.

"Okay I will, now go"

"Say wallahi"

"Seriously brother?"

"Seriously sister" He said smirking.

"Wallahi now go"

Muttering under my breath, I dragged my feet to the bathroom.

After getting freshened up for the day I went down to have my breakfast.

"Mama you didn't had to stay without eating, waiting for me." I said as we both sat down for breakfast.

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