Chapter-7: The Proposal.

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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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I never thought that the people who were coming over were that desperate, because they decided to meet just a day after the evening baba told them that we're okay with taking this alliance or whatever it is a bit further.

It's not that I don't like them coming to see me or anything, I guess it's just too sudden.

Now here I am getting myself prepared mentally and physically. Mama told that even if I don't come in front of everyone there, the mother and the sister of that particular person would surely want to see me. And I don't think that they are obviously going to just see me in my niqab.

Nervous? Of course I am.

I just wish that either Mariam or Alina should've been here. Apparently they've classes and many other previously planned stuff. Both of them were more excited than me after hearing about the whole 'coming over to see me' fiasco. They went to the extent of deciding the name of the kids I would have. Acting as if they know it all. What if the people coming to see me doesn't approve of me wearing a niqab? I've heard enough judge-mental gossips about me wearing a niqab to get this possibility in my head. What if the guy doesn't really like a religious girl?

It would be ridiculous that I don't even know the name of the guy whom I'm probably seeing to get married if everything works out well by the will of Allah. It's not that I didn't try getting to know his name, but Usmaan won't tell me even though he knows it. And I'm too timid to ask mama or baba.

I hear different voices from downstairs and my palms become sweatier.

"Sweetie they're all here and Adam's mother and sister will be in the dining area soon." Mama says standing near the door of my room.


That does sound like a very familiar name.

I couldn't just randomly forget that name anytime soon.

Could it be THE ADAM?

There are certainly many reasons for this Adam to be him but it could also just be my stupid conscience.

I don't know if I'm actually okay with the probability of this Adam being that particular Adam.

I think--

"Maira come down before they come in the dining area" mama said interrupting my thoughts.

I nod my head in affirmative and follow her to the dining room.

Mama asks me to pour juice in the glasses and leaves to call them here.

Could this be really that Adam?

Before I could answer my own question I hear footsteps coming towards the dining room where I am present right now.

My hands become sweatier as I struggle to pour the juice.

I pray silently to Allah to help me get through this whole thing, no matter who the person is.

"Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!" I heard an elderly voice while my back was still turned towards them.

"Walaikumassalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu aunty" I said smiling turning towards them.

She was in a black abaya and a maroon hijab with a genuine smile on her face.

Where the heart belongs..Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora