Chapter-25: Treasured.

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"O Mu'adh! By Allah I love you, so I advise you to never forget to recite after every prayer:

اللَّهُمَّ أَعِنِّي عَلَى ذِكْرِكَ، وَشُكْرِكَ، وَحُسْنِ عِبَادَتِكَ

Allâhumma a'innî alâ dhikrika, wa shukrika, wa husni 'ibâdatika

O Allah, help me remember You, to be grateful to You, and to worship You in an excellent manner"

[Abu Dawud]

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

✨ Bismillah ✨

If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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Me, Zainab and Amina walk out of the restaurant with mixed emotions and our graduation gowns still in our hands.

The graduation was amazing- tears, smiles, laughs and contentment it was everything. My parents, Adam's parents, Usman, Adam and even Aisha was there clapping for me when I went up to take my graduation.

We three had come to have a goodbye/graduation lunch at our favorite restaurant in town.

Amina and her family has a flight to catch tomorrow early morning and Zainab is moving to out of the town in two days.

More people move in and out of the restaurant and we stand there gathering our thoughts and this moment.

"I'm gonna miss you guys, awfully" Amina says looking at us.

"I'm gonna miss you both the most, considering I'm the only one staying back in this place" I say as a hint of sadness stirs inside me.

"We'll do frequent calls and meet up once in a while" Zainab reasons.

"Yeah when I fly back here" Amina says with a sigh.

"And when we fly there too" Zainab bumps her shoulder to her's, trying to lighten up.

Amina begins to say something as Adam's car drive to us. We give eachother a tight hug and teary goodbye and part our ways. I walk to the car, Zainab turns to the other lane, walking towards her home and Amina hails a cab.

Adam smiles at me as I put the seatbelt on "Officially graduated and done with college,  hmm?" He strikes a conversation as we drive towards my parents home.

We had planned a small celebration of graduation in my parents home with both of our families. We might as well be planning things for Usman's wedding which is in two weeks.

The excitement and anticipation of my bestfriend and brother's marriage eases the despair of the goodbye with my other friends.


Frustrated groans of my brother and Adam resonate from the living room as I pass by the frame of it. I look in to see both of them flopped on either sides of the couch, watching a ball game. A little smile forms on my face seeing these two warming up to each other.

I had always wondered when Usman would stop his little glares and the discreetly rude comebacks towards Adam and now from a week or two, I can see that being reduced. I guess he understands Adam's feeling and emotions now that he is experiencing them for himself.

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