Chapter-24: Fine.

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"By Allah! I ask for forgiveness from Allah and turn to Him in repentance more than seventy times a day."
{ أسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ } { Astaghfirullah }

[Sahih al-Bukhari 6307]

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

✨ Bismillah ✨

If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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I exhale audibly as I slump further in the passenger seat of Adam's car "Times like these, I wish time machines were for real" i grumble.

"You are over-worrying yourself" Adam says with a low chuckle and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah because you are not the one who is going to give your exam" I huff.

"It is not even the first one, you're already done with four of your exams" he reasons.

"But this one is the most difficult one" I whine.

I've never been good at math, it's the one subject I always end messing up. I let out a loud sigh.

Adam brings his hand to mine and entwines our fingers. "Deep breaths and relax, yeah?" He glances towards me with a comforting smile for a split second before turning back to the road.

"I don't really understand the reason behind making us study math" I mumble slowly.

"It's not like we are asked theorems and formulas in our interviews or it has any importance in our everyday life" I continue to rant as Adam gives gentle strokes on my knuckles.

"You know that this tantrum of yours would be of no use in ceasing your examination right?" He asks with a playful smile.

"You are literally of no help at all" I huff playfully.

"I can't believe that I'm in love with you of all people" I shake my head feigning disappointment.

"Oh but you are and it's inevitable" he smirks and winks at me as he brings his car to a stop near the gate of the university.

I smile back and it disappears as soon as I realise my current situation. "I am really nervous" I say with a slight tremble in my voice, looking outside of the window.

"Okay look at me" Adam's voice turns sterner than usual as he grips my chin and turns my face towards him.

"You are gonna do just fine, okay?" He waits for my words even if his question is rhetorical. "InshaAllah" I reply due to the lack of words.

His lips curve up into a smile as leans in and kisses my niqab clad cheek "Good and you'll do amazing InshaAllah" I roll my eyes at myself "I'll be okay doing just fine rather than failing" I groan dramatically.

"You have little to no trust in yourself" he says shaking his head.

I let out a light laugh as I climb out of the car, waving Adam goodbye and walking towards the campus.


"Four down, two to go" Amina declares loud enough for me and Zainab to hear as we all plop down on the chairs.

The exam was...fine. At least I believe that I won't pass out after seeing the results and now we are here in a nearby diner celebrating the completion of the most awful subject this semester.

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