Chapter-21: A&M.

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"Two hungry wolves loose among sheep do not cause as much damage as that caused to a person's deen by his greed for money and reputation."


Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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A hurricane of mixed emotions is what is going on inside of me right now. The dried tears on my cheeks and the firm yet gentle hold on my hand are not actually allowing my head to flow in a straight direction.

Bidding goodbye to mama and baba was a lot more difficult than what I had pictured in my head. Mine and Usman's goodbye was completely unexpected for all of us. I had never imagined Usman of all people getting that emotional. He had hugged me for a straight minute or two and I swear that I heard him sniffle just before we parted.

The walima reception was filled with greetings and accepting good wishes from all the relatives and friends but my head was pre-occupied with the anxiousness of leaving the home and the people with whom I have lived the entirety of my life. The thought actually going and staying with Adam and his family doubled the anxiety and nervousness and now when I know that I am just a few meters away from starting the new chapter in my life, my heart wouldn't stop beating as though it is in a marathon.

"You are not appearing for a test sweetheart" Adam's soft whisper fills my ears as I am taken out of my train of thoughts. I turn to look at him to see him slightly leaning towards my side. He rubs his thumb on the back of my palm and I look down at our joined hands.

"You've started sweating now that we are nearing home" he says softly.

"You told me that it was normal to feel nervous" I exhale loudly.

"But by the expressions on your face, I am afraid you might have an anxiety attack" he chuckles and I narrow eyes at him.

"I was just joking" he says laughing.

"This is certainly not the time to joke Adam" I roll my eyes.

"And we are here" he trails off as we enter the driveway. The driver stops the car near the pavement of the house and Aisha comes barging out of the door before me or Adam could step out of the door.

"We've been waiting for both of you to arrive" she says opening the car door and helping me out.

Adam comes to the other side of me and entwines our hands as we walk to the opened door. "Welcome home, Zawjati" he whispers leaning down to my ear as we enter the doorway.

Mama and baba summon us all to the living room after showering with the hugs and endearments. It's just the all of us here, the guest went directly from the reception hall including Alina and Maryam. They refused to stay back even after much of mama and baba's persuasion.

"Yusuf had to leave early with his parents otherwise he would've stayed until you guys returned" Aisha informed Adam as she sat on the couch across us. "You could've accompanied him" Adam asks with a playful glint in his voice.

"And left Maira all by herself"

"She wouldn't have survived her first day here with an oblivious person like you,  brother" she continues with a smirk.

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