Chapter-17: Preparations.

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"The best of the deeds or deed is the (observance of) prayer at its proper time and kindness to the parents"

[Sahih Muslim]

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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"I still think that a café would be a better place than a library" Amina whines going towards the furthest part of the library.

"I don't think that we could study in the middle of the crowd in the café for our exams and---" Zainab is cut midway as the librarian shushes us showing a warning glare.

"This is the exact reason of us coming here to study" I whisper, pointing to the librarian as she turns to the corner.

"But we wouldn't even be able to open our mouths here" Amina whisper shouts.

"That is the point Amina, we wouldn't be able to talk and hence, we will all study peacefully without any distractions." Zainab explains

"Alright Miss. Goody two shoes" Amina rolls her eyes as she takes out her books.

I take my books out too and begin to skim over the contents inside. This is the time of the year I dread the most- the examination time.

I just feel worried about not studying anything but I still do not study anything, if that makes any sense. I sigh and shake my head, ready to begin a new topic.

The days have passed rapidly after my little trip to Canterbury and we now have our exams starting early next week. Adam has been busier than me these days considering that these are probably the last set of examinations he will be giving in his life.

I exhale quite audibly, with an oncoming smile on my face at the thought of Adam. He had become extra sweet and cute after I returned from my friends' place. He wouldn't leave my hand when we were together or just always be as near to me as possible.

And I have loved every moment of it. I cannot thank Allah enough for the blessings He has bestowed upon me through Adam.

Two hands suddenly cover my eyes causing me to shriek.

I feel the person lean their head closer to the side of my face as I hear Amina and Zainab's soft giggles.

"Any guesses?" An all too familiar voice whispers in my ear making me smile underneath my niqab.

"Well?" I feign a thoughtful tone in my voice.

"Assalamualaikum sweetheart" he says removing his hands and planting a soft kiss on my cheeks.

"If I could take her with me for a while...?" he trails off asking my friends, flickering his nervous gaze to me.

"I figured that you had stuff to study"

"And why are you here in the first place?" I add trying to raise my eyebrows from under my niqab.

"You texted me a while back telling me that you're headed to the library and yes I have stuff to study but who says that we cannot take a break?" he asks wiggling his eyebrows with a smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes at him and tell my friends that I'll be back in a while, while taking Adam's hand which he had held out.

"I thought we were just going to have a small talk and then get back to studying." I state confusedly as Adam opens his car door for me.

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