Chapter 9

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LEXI: Where r u?

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LEXI: Where r u?

ME: Still @ Chase's house.

There's a couple second delay, then: Still???

I giggle, which catches the attention of the 4 men in the room. "Sorry." I mumble putting my phone away and adverting my eyes back to the movie.

I'm surprised by Chase's pick of movie which is Fast and Furious, but seems like the boys don't mind so I ain't complaining.

I'm currently sitting in the corner of the L couch with Rohan and Kai to my right and Chase to my left while Reid sits in an armchair.

They've all changed into sweats, Kai and Rohan are wearing tee's, Chase a wife beater and Reid's shirtless. While I'm wearing leggings and one of Chase's jerseys. It's fucking cold even if they blasted the heater, I don't know how they're not cold.

Suddenly Reid speaks, "I gotta piss, pause the movie." He demands, in which Kai does. Reid scurries upstairs.

I bring my phone out because Lexi texted again. 

LEXI: Text me when your on you way home. Love u :)

I'm about to answer when Chase distracts me, "I've been wondering, Kitty. Do you have a boyfriend." 

The water Kai was drinking, lodges in his throat as he chokes on a laugh. When I look at Rohan, I see that he's raising an eyebrow at me and Kai is looking at me, like they want to know the answer as well.

I bit my lip, "No, Chase, I don't have one right now." 

Chases lips quirk up, "Right now? So you've had some."

Now I'm raising my eyebrows, "In high school, yes." This is getting fucking awkward.

Kai speaks up, "When was the last time you had one?" I jerk my head to him because that's the boldest thing I've heard him ask me.

"Um, I think it was my senior year." I think back.

This makes Rohan look shocked but I'm guessing what he's thinking is what Chase asks, "You've went over a year without sex." 

I cover my face with my hands because again, awkward. "You guys are like girls who adore gossip." I mumble which causes three different sets of deep chuckles. I uncover my face, "If you must know, it hasn't been over a year since I've had sex."

"Woah, Katherine Mitchell has hookups." Kai drawls taking another sip.

"Okay that's enough talk about my sex life," I say standing up, "Do you only have one bathroom?" I ask. The three of them give me a blank look, "I have to use the bathroom, and Reid's in one, so is the one Reid in your only bathroom?"

Kai and Chase look at Rohan, "We have three, the hallway bathroom, the one down here that isn't currently working and Rohan's master bathroom." Chase says.

Rohan stands up, "C'mon." He mumbles.

I grab my purse as I leave. Earlier when I went upstairs I only saw Chase's room which is a basic boy's room, the other three doors were closed. Rohan walks to the one at the end of the hall. Rohan's room doesn't look like Chases, for one it's bigger, his bed is across a flat screen tv and dresser. A desk sits under a huge window.

And its obvious he didn't decorate it because his bedspread is dark blue with throw pillows, there is hockey paraphernalia on the walls, and a bookshelf. I muffle a laugh as my eyes go back to the throw pillows.

Rohan sits on the edge of his bed as his eyes zero in on my white Chanel cross-body, "Why did you bring that?" 

I roll my eyes, "Where's your bathroom." He nods to the door to the right of the tv.

After I'm done and leave Rohan is still in the same spot with his phone out. He lowers it when he sees me, "What? Did you think I was going to steal your bra and sell it on eBay, your not a pro hockey player yet, sorry Cap it won't sell for a lot." I smile innocently. 

"How do you get guys in bed with the way you talk?"

"How do you get girls in bed period."

Rohan grins, "I get girls in bed because I'm hot and amazing in bed." He stands up, walking ahead of me.

I roll my eyes, "Your a cocky asshole."

"And your a sarcastic brat." 

Once were back downstairs, I resume my seat in the corner and Rohan retakes his place beside me and Reid is already sitting down. He smirks, "Did ya'll fuck?"

"Shut up Reid." I say.

Kai resumes the movie, to get comfortable I bring my knees to my chest and rest my chin on my knees.

I don't know why but during the movie I keep sneaking looks at Rohan. I can smell his aftershave, and his cologne. A spice, woodsy and ocean breeze kind of smell that is intoxicating my system.

And fuck.

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