Chapter 29

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We stayed at Mack's Bar until late into the night, like 10pm

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We stayed at Mack's Bar until late into the night, like 10pm. We couldn't stay out too late or get drunk because of tomorrow's game. Most of us are scarred from that one time with Coach Davis.

It was last year when we won a big game and went out to celebrate despite having another game the next day. Almost half the team were waisted, and we showed up to the game hungover. 

I swear I saw steam coming out of Coach's ears.

We lost that game, and Coach put out a curfew for nights before games.

We're currently on our way back to the hotel.

Chase is half way to waisted except he has drinking stages. 

The first couple drink loosens his lips more than usual, to the point that every thought that comes to his head, he says. And he becomes a flirt. Example, more than once has he complemented Katherine.

Let's just say I've had to hold back from knocking him out, but refrained knowing he's drunk. Plus I trust Katherine and both of them have said, separately, that they think of each other as siblings.

Now, half waisted is his sleepy stage. Like now, he's fast asleep on Katherine's shoulder, snoring slightly.

But the worst is when he's waisted, like full waisted. He starts stripping his clothes, not to the point of nude, but close. And then he gets loud and obnoxious.

As we pull into the parking lot, Katherine tries to wake Chase up by gently patting his cheek. That does nothing to stir him. I place my hand on her thigh, drawing her attention to me. "I'll wake him." 

I reach over and smack him across the top of his head. Immediately he wakes up and his hazy eyes go around the truck until they start to focus and his head snaps to Katherine. In response she lifts her hands up in surrender, barely containing a smile or laugh.

Then his gaze goes to me. 

One thing about Chase is that he is a grumpy fuck when he wakes up. Which is kind of funny.

"Fuck you, Rohan." He grumbles while running his hand down his face. I continue laughing as I get out of the truck, Katherine following. 

Chase is mumbling shit in the elevator, something about a sandwich and a stick. I nod to Liam to take Chase to his room since he's a walking zombie.

When we get into our room Katherine immediately goes to change, she wore jeans all day which I'm surprised by. I'm sitting on the couch when she comes out of the bathroom.

She goes towards her backpack she brought to her parents, "I have somethings for you." She says taking out some books. "I was only going to grab mom's most recent one but," She shrugs.

I stand and walk towards her. She's holding 4 books. "You got me books?" I ask trying to keep the smile off my face because Katherine is blushing. "I know what books your mom writes." I say grabbing her hips.

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