Chapter 28

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We'd stayed at my parents until 15 before 4 so it's like 7 by the time we get back

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We'd stayed at my parents until 15 before 4 so it's like 7 by the time we get back. We're in our room for not even 15 minutes when there is a knock at the door. Rohan answers it and then I hear cheers.

Rohan comes back in and following him is Kai, Chase, Reid and some girl, Liam, Wyatt, Mason, Alex, Mick and some girl, Andrew and John.

I furrow my brows and stand from the couch, "What's up?" I ask as Chase comes over and throws his arm around my shoulder.

"We're going out tonight. To a bar before going to the most famous haunted house, well the other way around." Chase says. "You guys up for it?" He gives me a questionable look, with a deeper question behind it.

I look to Rohan and give him a questionable look. He shrugs, "If your up for it, I'll go."

I nod and then they all cheer again. 

Before I get out of the room Rohan pulls me aside, "Are you sure your up for this, we don't have to go?"

I cup his jaw, "I'll be fine, Cap." Him caring about my feelings makes me all giddy, "Just...stay by my side?" I whisper.

"I'm never leaving your side again." I can hear the playfulness in his voice but also a statement. He kisses my forehead and grabs my leather jacket, he slips it onto my arms. 

When we get to the lobby of the hotel, Chase is waiting for us. "We're taking 2 different rental cars, a van and a truck. Your with me, Liam and Wyatt."

"And, uh, who's the sober drivers?" I ask as we walk out of the hotel, Rohan's hand goes to my back.

"Liam is our sober driver and Mason is the other." We head over to the silver truck. 

Liam's already is the drivers seat with Wyatt in the passenger seat. Chase, Rohan and I are in the back with me in the middle.

"So we're going to the haunted house first?" I ask slipping on my seatbelt.

"Yup, it's very hard to get into but thanks to an amazing guy, he got us in." I narrow my eyes, "I got us in, one of my uncles friends has a job there."

I chuckle. Wyatt ends up playing his loud ass music until we get to the haunted house. Mason and the others beat us here since Chase had waited for us. 

They're all waiting outside the van by the time we walk over to them. "Let's get our asses inside!" Reid yells as he takes the girl and starts walking towards the ticket booth. 

This haunted house is on a farm. I see a sign indicating that inside the actual farm house is the haunted house and not too far away is a sign indicating a 'Spook Walk' which I think is like a walking haunted house?

"Shit," I hear Rohan swear. When I look over at him I him tapping his pockets, "I must've forgot my wallet, fuck."

I smirk, "It's okay, Cap, I'll sugar mommy you." I say tapping his chest.

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