Chapter 21

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It's been about over a week and I can officially say that Katherine is avoiding me

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It's been about over a week and I can officially say that Katherine is avoiding me. And also according to Chase, Reid and Kai she's also avoiding them.

I know why she's avoiding me but not them. I've texted her multiple times but no answer. Called her, no answer. I have seen her a couple times but when I try to talk to her she makes excuses and walks away.

And she's changed. Her once bubbly, sarcastic and out going personality is gone and what takes it's place is a stranger. 

But what's happened hasn't affected her hockey performance. If anything it seems she's going harder...? 

We've had about 2 games since that night and we did loose one of them but that wasn't because of her. Most of the goals in the games and in practice are her shots or were assisted by her.

And the worst part is Cohan is still going to school, acting like nothing happened. Going around, laughing, hanging around other people, girls. I've damned near killed him multiple times but Kai has stopped me each time.

The sound of the shower next to me being shut off interrupts my thoughts. I look over and see that I'm one of the last guy showering so I finish up and wrap a towel around my hips and go to the locker room.

"Hey Rohan, want to go to the Coffee Café?" Kai asks as he slips on his jeans. I grimace which makes him chuckle, "Not for you, for me, dipshit."

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, yeah I'll go." I say slipping on boxer briefs. 

Then the door opens and the room falls silent, I look over and see Coach Davis with his arms crossed over his chest. "What's going on with Mitchell?" 

I look over to Kai. Only me, Kai, Chase and Reid know about the party, so no one else on the team knows about it or why she's acting different.

"I don't know, maybe something personal happed?" Gavin Veranda says.

"Breakup?" Another teammate says.

"Fight with boyfriend?" Another says.

"Bad hookup?" 

I've had enough but I can't seem too eager or pissed, "Maybe she's on her period?" I say dryly. That shuts everyone up but Coach still looks skeptical.

"Mhm, well be here tomorrow for gym." He says before leaving.

After he leaves the team starts to talk about what's going on with Katherine and I can tell from Kai, Chase and Reids' faces they want to pipe up, hell so do I but I shake my head at them because it's not for us to tell.

Kai and I leave the arena and take my truck to Coffee Café which is a local coffee shop close to campus that almost every student goes to.

I'm also sure this is Katherine's favourite coffee shop, if I remember correctly. 

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