Chapter 11

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Katherine and Lexi are 3 shots in, which surprises me because they're not even tipsy but as an hour and a half passes, some people start to leave

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Katherine and Lexi are 3 shots in, which surprises me because they're not even tipsy but as an hour and a half passes, some people start to leave. Most people who've stayed is most of the hockey team and some chicks.

I'm also pretty sure Julia left.

I'm still on my first can of beer, Chase has joined the tequila train and Reid has joined us. Then suddenly Katherine has an amazing idea.

"Let's play never have I ever." Now I'm reconsidering the tipsiness of her system. But now were playing. "Never have I ever...cheated on a significant other."

Only 3 people drink, 2 chicks and a senior━Jace Kirs.

"Never have I ever....hooked up with someone 10 years older." Lexi says. Though she or Katherine don't drink.

Those who do are like 5 chicks, Reid, Mick and a couple other guys.

"Never have I ever said I love you but didn't mean it." Kai says and drinks, then I do, then Katherine, Lexi, Reid, Chase, and most of the people in the room.

"Never have I ever had sex in public." Reid says and of course he drink, then Chase does, then I do, plus other people. I don't know if I'm surprised that Katherine or Lexi haven't drank. I mean, not even in a car?

"Never have I ever faked an orgasm." Katherine pipes and immediately drinks, followed by Lexi, Chase and Kai and others. Wait Kai?  I muffle a laugh.

"Never have I ever used...object during sex." Chase says with a smirk. Chase drinks. Reid drinks. Lexi drinks. Other do too.

We continue like that for about 30 more minutes. More people have left, now it's just me, Kai, Chase, Reid, Lexi, and Katherine.

Katherine has turned on some music and is dancing around the living room with Lexi while Reid and Chase battle on Ice Goal.

"Why didn't you go upstairs with Julia?" Kai asks.

I groan and take another sip of my now second beer. "Honestly I have no clue why." I say as I watch Katherine and Lexi dance. "You think they're going to be able to go home?" I ask.

Kai looks where I am, "They probably need to stay here, all of us have drank and their probably too drunk to tell us where they live."

"But where are they sleeping?" I look at our couch. Its pretty comfortable but not enough to sleep on it.

"One of our rooms." He shrugs.

I think about it, "Well if either of them sleep in Reid's room he might feel them up in his sleep and Chase is obsessed with flirting with Lexi." I sign, "So that leaves me and you."

Kai raises a brow, "Were giving up our beds?"

"Aw hell no, but it's not like we  are going to fuck them." I chuckle, "So who's sleeping where?" I ask looking at Katherine and Lexi.

"Hey Kitty." Kai says, Katherine stops and looks at Kai, "Where do you want to sleep tonight." He smirks.

She bites her lip, "In a comfortable bed." And she's drunk.

"Fine she'll sleep in my bed, I don't even know Lexi." I mumble.

"I don't know her either." He says looking at her, "But she's good to look at."

Kai and I keep talking until Katherine goes for more tequila, "Woah there Kitty. Your cut off."

She glares, "What are you? My dad." Then she starts laughing, "You don't even look like him." She's stumbling now.

I grab her around the waist and turn to look at Kai, "Take care of Lex." He nods.

"Where are we going?" Katherine asks as I lead her upstairs.

"The moon." I mumble. She stumbles again, I let go of her waist and grab it with both hands and haul her over my shoulder to make this easier.

She's giggling like crazy when I walk through my door.

Once she's seated on my bed I go over to my dresser and grab one of my black tee. I hand it to her, "Change into that and," I go grab a pair of boxers, "Put these on too."

She furrows her brows and scratches her nose, "Why am I wearing this?" She looks at me with her big blue eyes.

"Because I doubt you want to wear that," I gesture to her clothes, she looks down. "So change." I say.

She shrugs, "Your right." And then because she's drunk she stands and shoves her pants down. I spin around faster than a windmill. I hear clothes shuffling around, "Rohan, I'm stuck."


"Stuck how?" I ask, paying very close attention to the doorknob of my bathroom door.

She silent for a second, "I can't see."

I curse and then slowly turn around, and she is stuck like in those movies. I try not to look at her tits or pussy even though both are covered. I walk closer and help her take of the shirt. She shakes her hair from her face and smiles her drunken smile.

She reaches behind her to unhook her bra but again struggles and releases a frustrated breath, "Rohan." She whines. I roll my eyes as I reach one arm behind her and undo the clasp, which leaves her shocked, "Woah, show off."

Luckily the bra is on her arms so I don't see her breasts. I turn back around and go into my dresser to grab plaid pants. "Are you dressed." I ask after a few minutes. I reluctantly turn around when I hear a mhm.

When I do I find Katherine sitting on the edge of my bed. My shirt is huge on her, goes a bit longer than mid thigh.

"Hold on, do not fall asleep," Another mhm. I walk into the bathroom and change into the pants, I do take off my shirt because I'll already be sweating with the pants. When I step back out Katherine is in the same spot, eye closed. "Kitty, come brush your teeth."

Katherine's eye shoot open. "I don't have a toothbrush." She points out, scratching her nose again.

"I know." I say going back in the bathroom, this time Katherine follows me groggily. I go into the cabinet and grab a new one. After we finish we walk to my bed where she just plops down, "Get under the blankets." I grumble, as I look at the clock, 1:08am.

"Your a grumpy person," She start blabbing as I pull away the blanket. "Or are you only a grump when it comes to me, and oh my god you are, like, built. I mean your abs are like━no that's not it, you have like, 8 thousand abs." She says getting under the covers. My bed is a queen so there's a lot of space between us.

"Go to bed, Kitty." I mumble.

She shuts up and then "Goodnight Rohan."


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