Chapter 27

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"What are your intentions with Katherine?"

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"What are your intentions with Katherine?"

I freeze. That is the question every guy fears.

I don't know what overcame me when I'd announced I was Katherine's boyfriend, but all I know is that I don't regret it. Claiming her as mine couldn't have felt better after denying my feelings. And seeing her reaction with mostly confusion but I'd also seen happiness.

I look behind me and to Katherine whose sitting on the counter talking to Cecilia as she cooks. I feel myself smile as I see her swinging her legs like she's three.

I look back to James seeing him watching me. I straighten. "I'm not sure what you mean."

He gives me a pointed look, "Your her boyfriend. Is it long term because if not, save Katherine the hurt."

He speaks as if she's been hurt before, then I remember her talk at the arena about boys using her to their benefit. "I assure you I intend this to be as long term as she'll let it," I look over at Katherine again, "I've never felt like this before."

When I look back at James he's analyzing me. "Honesty, better than lies. But I swear if she comes home crying about how you hurt her, I will stick a hockey stick up your ass until it comes out of your mouth." He says lookin serious, and I believe him. I know how close Katherine is with James.

I look head on, "If I somehow hurt her in the future, I'll let you." I say before turning back to the tv.

About 15 minutes later I ask James where the bathroom is, he points upstairs and mutters something about down the hall to the left. Though he's busy with tonight's hockey game.

But when I get upstairs and to the left I don't walk into a bathroom but into what I can guess is Katherine's room. It's not what I expected but I don't know why I had expected different.

She has a double bed in the middle of her room and the bedding is grey and white. Along one wall she has one of James' old jerseys and some of his old teammates jerseys, all signed.

She has a tv across her bed and underneath is a dresser with things scattered on top, like she hasn't touched this room since she left.

On another wall is a couple hockey sticks which are hung up. She also has a desk is the corner. And along each wall is medals and trophies.

As I look closely at some of them and the tags on them I realize these aren't only hockey trophies and medals but figure skating.

Out of the corner of my eyes I see someone leaning against the door frame. I smirk, "You know, Kitty, I thought there would be, maybe even a four post bed.

I turn and see her scowling. She pushes off the frame, walking into the room. "And I'd expected your room to be full of girls, guess we were both wrong." She shrugs but I see the mischievous gleam in her eyes.

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