Part 39

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Hello Lovely People,

Feels so good to be back. Obviously, I'm still working through some issues but I am feeling so much better. I want to say thank you for all the comments and supportive messages. This was not an easy moment in my life but to address some concerns:

I am safe now.

I am healthy.

And I am healing. 

I will try to stay on it whenever I have high functioning days and write as much as possible. I was going to update Maru's story but decided I want to get a few more of these out. I've got some great chapters coming up so stick around. 



"Mr. Dane!"

Tom sighed and rolled his eyes. He was exhausted, in more ways than one, but there was still a smile on his face. Despite the chaos in his life- the daily battles, the harsh words, the uncomfortable stares, the dangerous daydreams that left him feeling pathetic and hopeless- he found reason to move forward. He turned as he was handed yet another form to sign and as he handed it back, he glanced around the room triumphantly.

It seemed like an eternity, even if it had only been a couple of years since Vera had walked him into this very building and he handed his coat to a young immigrant. That was the day that things really began to change, the day he discovered there was no better way to heal than to lose yourself in the service of others. Daniel Bard gave him the opportunity to do this, Daniel Bard was what kept him moving forward. It was the necessary distraction, the only time he ever felt his mind rest and the only time he actually felt her slip away from his thoughts.

How truly ironic that she had been the one to introduce him to the joy and reward of helping others, and it was that very vocation that granted him the respite from the way she constantly invaded his thoughts.

But now what? He could only be at the donation center so long and from what he'd seen everything was pretty much done. It was amazing how quickly things could come together when funding was not an issue. In a week's time, this place would be crowded with donors, and a month after that, it would be fully open and operational to serve the community. He was proud, he was happy... even if just for a moment.

"Is there anything else you need me for?" Tom asked, looking down at the enthusiastic volunteer who glanced at him quickly before looking back down at her clipboard.

"I don't have anything else on my list." She said, looking around the room and grinning. "This is amazing. Thank you so much for everything you've done. The donation center hasn't looked this good in years."

"Thank Mr. Bard, it was all his work." Tom said with a nod.

"I'd love to," She said with a sigh, "that is if he ever comes around. We're all dying to meet him." She said, tapping her pencil lightly against the clipboard. This wasn't the first time someone brought this up.

"Mr. Bard is a very private man." Tom said.

"Will he make an appearance at the benefit?" She replied. Tom was quiet. Should Daniel Bard make an appearance at the benefit? He had to admit that even he was not sure. He supposed he should but with a shrug, he replied honestly.

"I don't know. He hasn't decided yet." Tom said, turning to walk away. "I'm heading out. Make sure to email me the final guest list..."

"Already sent. Will you be at the event at least?" She called out as she turned her attention back to the rest of the volunteers.

Faith and Lies (Vera Reid, Reid Family Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now