Part 7

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Hi! Sorry about the delay. I took a break bc work was just so hectic and at the end of the day I was too drained to think or do anything.  But I promise to be better about updating. Enjoy!

"Alright, I'll admit it." Vera said as she walked arm in arm with Tom. "I'm curious."

"Patience." He said with a hum as they walked past the bars and restaurants that lined up on the street. This was a very fashionable part of the city and on Saturday nights, it was always busy but tonight it was much more lively, as it always was the closer they got to Christmas. There were festive lights everywhere, decorations in every window, and office Christmas parties left and right.

"I have none. Now tell me." Vera said, pretending to be stern.

"Bossy." He teased.

"When I have to be." She said.

"Good." He replied, stopping and making her turn towards him. She stared at him for a second, tilting her head questioningly. "I'm afraid that you're just too sweet, Vera."

He reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, grazing it with his finger and surprised to find it was cold. It was ridiculous, it was night in the middle of winter, of course it would be cold.

"And cold, I should get you inside." He said, turning and looking behind him. Vera gulped, having to force herself to look up and ignore the fact that she'd stopped feeling cold the minute he looked at her. Then she gasped as she noticed the house they were standing in front of. She'd seen it before, in passing, admired it greatly and felt a strange sadness to see it falling apart this way. "Don't worry, there's no rats."

She watched him, wide eyed, as he unlocked the gate and pulled it open. Then he turned, noting how surprised she was.

"Come on." He said, reaching out and taking her hand as he pulled her inside. Vera was more than a little surprised. She'd never really seen anyone go in or out of this house, she was sure it was abandoned just by it's condition.

"Do you... you own this house?" She said, stepping in and looking up at the ceiling as the lights came on. She stared, amazed. There was a brilliant chandelier at the entrance, lights beaming brightly from it- it was an antique, she was sure of it.

"Yes." He said with a sigh, noticing how she admired the chandelier. "That's an original fixture, although, I'm afraid it's pretty much the only one left."

Vera looked around, noting the hardwood floor which badly needed treatment and the rug that was coming apart. It must have been very nice once but now it was dirty and threadbare, much like the peeling wall paper, stained along the bottom from humidity.

"This house... is amazing." She said, moving farther into it. "I've seen it before, never thought that it was still lived in."

"It's not." he said, making her turn to him before looking back to inspect the photos on the wall. "It's an office. It used to be my parent's office and now, it's mine."

Tom watched, his hands tucked into his coat pocket, as Vera's fingers came up to the picture frame. He was nervous, wondering what she would think at seeing this house in such an appalling state. After all, Vera Reid was used to the very best of everything- maybe she would be disappointed. Then, he saw her lips curl gently as she looked at the photos.

"That's you." She said, pointing to one in particular, her perfectly polished finger just barely tapping the glass. Tom moved closer to her, his eyes not leaving her face until he reached her side. She was pointing at a picture of him with his parents and their staff. A good 22 people were in that photo, all lined up in front of the house in three neat rows, his parents front and center, and his mother's hand perched on his shoulders as he smiled brightly at the camera.

Faith and Lies (Vera Reid, Reid Family Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now