Part 4

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"I don't like it." Romy said, staring straight at the boards that were lined up across the conference. She was still, arms crossed in front of her, eight feet back from the boards, head tilted slightly. 

"What don't you like about it?" Ben asked in frustration. "Specifics please."

He was tired. The boards had been changed at least three times in the last week because every time Romy hadn't found them up to par.  She was always so difficult. It didn't matter how long he worked on something, Romy always had something to throw back. 

"It doesn't quite fit right." She said, tilting her head to the other side. 

Vera watched as Ben practically turned red. It was always the same. Ben or George would put something together, they'd present it to Romy and Vera, and once they all agreed, it went to Alice and Michael. The problem, maybe not such a big problem, was that Romy was as picky as you could get. But she also had the best eye you could ask for. She did-Romy had a way of zooming in on even the smallest details. This is why her parents gave her full control of the Marketing department at such a young age, nobody could do the job like Romy. 

"What doesn't?" Ben said, trying to control his voice. 

"Ben, relax. She's right." Vera volunteered. "Something doesn't fit right."

"It would be nice to know what that is." Ben said, gritting his teeth. 

Romy took a deep breath, held it for five seconds, and then she released it with a deep sigh. Without a word, she picked up a marker from the table and walked over to the boards. 

"Here she goes." George said with a grin, sitting down in a chair and leaning back. 

The next phase. They'd finally made it to the part where Romy stepped in and fixed it, which meant even if she didn't like it, it wasn't that bad. 

The thing to know about Romy was that she could sell anything, make anything the next big thing. She'd started in design school and then realized her real niche was marketing. She head up the virtual design and marketing department brilliantly. 

"Finally." Ben said, shaking his head and walking back around the table exasperated.  Romy moved quickly, with precision. She had already decided in her head, already knew exactly what needed to be done. 

"This wouldn't be necessary if you just let my team do their job and stuck to the finances." Romy said, a smile forming on her lips as she closed the marker and stepped back. "Now it's good."

George started laughing as Ben frowned. 

"I wouldn't have to mess with design if you just commissioned what I asked you for." Ben said. 

"Seriously?" Romy said, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. "My team has a lot of projects. I told you, send the request, it goes in the queue. If you need sooner, do it yourself and we will fix it." 

"I told you." George said, trying to tamper down his laugh. Vera chuckled. Always the same. 

"You need to learn to be patient." Romy said, putting the marker down. "It would have been faster to do it my way from the beginning."

"You need to stop being so smug. If you had done this priority as requested, we would be in this situation. Just days from the due date." Ben said. 

"You..." Vera said, standing, "both need to stop acting like children. The project got completed on time. Ben, please stick to process when making a design request."

"Exactly." Romy said but Vera turned to her, frowning. 

"And Romy, you knew this was urgent. What didn't you do it? Because you want him to use your system. He sent you an email and you refused to acknowledge it out of principal." Vera said firmly. 

Faith and Lies (Vera Reid, Reid Family Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now